Saturday, July 27, 2024

3rd time Covid Holiday

IIs me again… 3rd episode of covid+

Now is the season which they want us to live with covid

They told me just to have a few days rest, not necessary to have 5 days off. 

I was happy to be told I have a covid + yet at the same time, I feel like why… I found it late in the evening. I go through the work for the whole day. Done two EEGs in the morning. I feel quite sorry for my friend, because I was still having lunch with her in the afternoon. The MO just give me two days MC and I shall return to work place for another check up on Mon

Day 1 at home breakfast 

My uncle told my mom to let me eat these green leaves for two days!

The leaves were so bitter when they were bitten… I have to swallow my breakfast with these leaves. Haha

I was so glad, my mom still can serve me a good breakfast. God is good.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Predestined or Foreknew?

Predestined? Foreknew? 

Last Thursday in the Bible study with my working place bro and sis, we did mentioned again about predestined this topic. I am so curious and when thinking about asking question if have chance to. I keep this question with me for few days, I wish that I can find the answer in this area. Yet God is good, he answer my question in this early morning when I drive to work by catching my attention to play on the sermon "All Things Work For Your Good" 

I wonder why I will feel to tune in this sermon too. Just a inner prompting, like Ps Prince shared "anointing within" ?

Ps Prince share in this sermon on God foreknew we will believe in Him and then he predestined them to end up conform with His image. Amen! God did not pass by our free choice yet He choose to love us and work everything good for us. Thank You Jesus

Roman 8:28
28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Blessed Pre CNY

Blessed Pre-Chinese New Year

I truly thank God for His blessing in my life. I feel so loved and I know is the Him who give me favor with man. Thank You Jesus

This is the first CNY gift I received sent from Tanjung Tokong throught lalamove to my house, Alma BM. Due to some miscommunication between, I get to know the delivery fees to my house is quite costly too around RM3X. I'm so thankful and blessed! 

The gift is so exquisite presented. I love it so much.
Thank God for the blessing and thanks this lovely sis in Christ

After receive this gift at home after my mom receive it on my behalf, my lunch mate MH came over and pass me this CNY cookies. 

Although this is not handmade by her, but I feel so loved as she remember me when preparing CNY gift. Thank God for her. Such a sweet ex lunch buddy. 

Before off duty, my ex-boss came over and pass me this handmade cake. She told me the cake is made by her besties that I knew and I feel warm that she took an effort to came to my workplace to pass me. God is so so good. Put all those lovely people around me. 

I believe my parent shall love this cake, especially my dad.  

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Double Blessing

 Double Blessing

Thank you God for reminding me His double blessing upon me through food. God you are so so good and I really amaze by what you are doing in my life.

  I am so happy in the morning after witness a baby Christian was born on her first visit to church. After that I went for my lunch with a group of my "lunchmate" from church. Due to a big crowd, we decided to go Chicago. I ordered the signature burger and order one more for my church bro who he was stuck in a bad traffic. His order same with me but he prefer no cheese so I believe the size will be slightly not same. When I unwrap the burger, I found I get the double meat on my burger. Wow, that's such a blessing to me. I did not return the order as I have touched the burger. Due to cleanliness, I think they might not able to give others also. I pull out the extra meat and bless another church bro. God is so good, through this incidence, I feel the Lord is showing me, He want to give me double blessing so that I can be a blessing to people around me. Thank You Jesus. 

  Praise the Lord, yet the blessing is not end in lunch! At night, due to business for baking, I prefer fast food delivery. I am thinking to get my parent pineapple prosperity burger from Mcd as dinner through delivery. When I receive the order, this really was a shock to me. I found I just order two set of prosperity burger, they give me four set of burger. Initially I thought they might have get the wrong order for me. I ordered pineapple prosperity burger set, and one alacart prosperity beef. They give me two golden prosperity burger with one prosperity burger and one spicy chicken mc deluxe set. The supply really is beyond what I can imagine. I check the order number, is not a mistake. I think they dont have the pineapple prosperity burger so they make a switch and compliment me with so many drinks and curly fries. I feel bless and again the Lord is showing me his supply is overflow and more than enough for tomorrow. haha. 

The price is different quite alot too. I pay RM61,
yet they bless me with RM 78.75 on food and drinks. 

God is good and He is my supply always. I will not just have enough, I will have more than enough and be a blessing to others ❤


Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Highly Favored

I am Highly Favored

Yesterday I really thank God that I have a chance to pray for my friend's dad in the hospital while they are waiting to consult doctor in my workplace. At first, that's a shock to me when my friend requested me to pray for her dad. I saw she even bring the anointing oil along and use it. When I see the oil, I feel so couraged and knowing God want me to pray for him and this is a all about Jesus' finished work. I just to be bold and pray. I apply the oil on my hand spontaneously when she brought out and start praying publicly with my uniform on. 

    My friend told me that I was such an angel to her in time when her dad feel not necessary to consult the doctor and she feel abit helpless. I also thank God that He orchestrate the circumstance that I can pray for him. Thank God for a clean bill for him and my friend also tell me that they get free PSA checking as 40th anniversary. Praise the Lord.

    During lunch time, as usualy I went to canteen to take away my favorite herbal chicken meehun soup. God shows favor to me by blessing me a bowl full of the "longan" that I like the most! I feel so loved and happy when I found that. Thank God for His favor. 

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Sit Still, My Daughter

 Sit Still, My Daughter

Sunday 21/1/2024, Ps Prince shared about what he received from the Lord when NCC church was having church building. Two words, SIT STILL. These two words are from Ruth 3:18 Naomi tells Ruth “Sit still, my daughter, until you know how the matter will turn out; for the man will not rest until he has concluded the matter this day.”

His sharing really touched me so much. I felt the Lord is telling us to stop our effort to build the fund, the supply is on the way. The money shall come in His way. Our part is to sit still. 

  Beside receiving for our church fund building, I received it as my own revelation too. I knew the Lord wanted me to sit still in this year of 2024. No matter in my relationship, my parent's health, my serving, my finances... all starts from "Sit Still". He will work out everything for my benefit. My part is to pray and be at rest. 

Jude 1:20-21
20 But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, 21 keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.

  I received these words from the Lord on 13/1/2024. I knew I only can be at the perfect rest when I pray in the Spirit all the time. Just like Paul shared in 1 Corinthians 14:18 I thank my God I speak with tongues more than you all. This prayer shall keep me in the love of God. While praying for my life partner, I also pray that God gives me "sakal wisdom". I want to be a prudent wife who can be a blessing to my husband too. As the bible said, a prudent wife is from the Lord. Thank God also used the testimony from a newly married couple Wei Jing and Sica to remind me. God is God of miracles and He can give me a Qarah moment ~right happening in orchestrating everything for me to meet my life partner effortlessly. My eye shall be on the One who loves me the most, His name is Jesus. Praise the Lord

  Thank God for the word in season for me... Many good days await me!!!

Start Sharing Again In Year 2024

Can't Stop Sharing About His Amazing Work In Me

Lately I feel so much love from the Lord and it compelled me to start writing again. I am so happy to share about my latest life testimony in this blog to give all the glory to Jesus. 

  Last sat, we just had a welcoming party for the new comer who start joining our church for the past 1 year in 2023. The preparation for the party is so restful and well supplied. I am so grateful to have a team of servers who is so initiative, gifted, kind and generous. I am blessed to be a part of them. Start from planning for the date of the meeting, till the end of the party, I knew it was the Lord step by step guiding me and leading me. My part is to pray and flow. 

  I still remember when I pray how to initiate the meeting to discuss for the ministry and welcoming party, God send my beloved sis in Christ, Chloe to remind me and support me at times. I thank God for her as she willing to do the extra miles to pray with me, discuss and support me in this ministry. After we decided the date for meeting, I found so amazing is most of the server in the ministry can able to attend it and we almost discussed and finalized most of the thing required for the party. The meeting was so fruitful and I remember at last, Ps Alan did encourage us to pray more in the Spirit. God will guide us step by step when we pray. I truly thank God for such a good pastor in the house. 

 When the date is near, many things shall need to be finalize. One of the thing I need to arrange is who shall be the worship leader. Our party is on 20/1, and I found the worship leader of the day in the night service was Darren and Wendy. My initial thought is asking Wendy to help up as last welcoming party is led by her too. When I share my thought to Chloe, she tell me her concern is will Wendy feel tired or not as lately she get pregnant and need to serve both service sat night and sun., is not easy. I can feel her concern too, yet I am thinking, it not from her, who is next? Chloe suggested that I will be the one leading it. Actually I don't feel like doing it, I tell her with some excuse like I am wearing the aligner... bla bla bla... I pray and tell the Lord, how am I going to arrange if Wendy cannot make it? I learned to pour out my concern to the Lord and start praying in the Spirit when I start thinking about it. 

  After few days, when the date is near, suddenly bro James came into my mind. Although I never see him leading worship in the church, yet I knew he led worship in the funeral before. I actually wonder why he was in my mind when I am thinking about worship leader for the welcoming party. That moment I not even know he might join the party or not as he was the only one not joining the meeting previously. 

  Two weeks before the sat night, I met Wendy during dinner after praise and worship practice. I still wish to try to ask her and see her respond. When told me she might want to concentrate in the worship at night, I knew, I shall need to ask bro James. The next day morning, I look for bro James in the Sunday service. I asked him whether can join the party or not and he only recall that he did not respond to my invitation yet. Before I allow him to respond to the invitation, I straight away asking him that can he be the song leader of the welcoming party. I am so surprise that the Lord actually prepared his heart before I am asking. He straight away say yes to me and asking me how many song shall he lead. I am so happy and in the same day I pass him the song book to choose from there. God is awesome. 

  Next, the gift and gift wrapping is my second concern after arrangement of the worship leader. In the meeting, sis Bee Ai did share with us that she can sponsor the plan gift box and some small free gift from ice-cream company. Due to the shortage of water of the week, I did not manage to go church to look for the gift available at church earlier. I just pray over it and I knew God will arrange and supply all the thing I need in time. Until one week before the welcoming party, I seek help from Mei Ching to look for the gift.Thank God, after counting, we have enough supply for the new friend registered for the party. At the same time, I called sis Bee Ai on the spot to bring over the gift box "tomorrow" as we planned to wrap it up after the service. 

Sis Bee Ai brought the gift box on the "same day" right after I called her. This quite surprised me was the gift box I thought is plain white came with a very nice party box cover. I never think of it before. We did not need spend time to wrap the box anymore. Praise the Lord!!! God is awesome!!! I was so amaze by the divine arrangement from the Lord to me. 

This is the gift box she sponsored. Truly thank God for her in the ministry.

  God is good to me all the time, things was not end by this. I found the church browser was outdated n thinking to print a new one. Again God has prepared church sis Kei Kei to us to help us in this area. She even sponsor the whole order 300 books for us as she told me, she was so blessed these day. In the process, she had share me the info for me to check incase any "typo" happen. I shared this to Chloe too as I don't know why I did not in the mood to check when she shared me. None of us found anything wrong until the day before we wanted to finalize the whole thing to print, I suddenly have a thought to look the wording again. I found some missing letters and Sis Kei Kei also found some wrong spelling too. I knew it was God leading us to see the mistake and pointed out for us. Praise the Lord. Even this small detail, the Lord manage to help us in time before she printed out. I can't describe the goodness of God by words anymore. He is with us throughout the process. While discussing with Chloe how many notes paper to print in the book, Kei Kei suggest us put in 13 to make it 20pages book, but if we want more pages also can. Chloe feel that's quite a few pages to her since is a note book. Yet we not dare to request more as this was all sponsored from Kei Kei. I recall the message I heard from Ps Prince yesterday, we can claim favor from the Lord. Me and Chloe pray about it and I declare favor while discussing again with Kei Kei. God is good, during the discussion, God leading her to increase the pages to 40 pages not by my active request. Grace grace... God orchestraed everything to our benefit!!! Another bonus is, she told me she was able to complete the printing before the party. We can give it out to them in the party too. Praise the Lord. 

  On the day of the welcoming party, I received a voice message from Ps Andrew early morning around 7am. He told me he did not manage to join the party as he was having food poisoning and need to seek medical treatment and rest. This was a shocking news to me. Initially he told me to look for Ps Alan to replace him sharing the church history for the new friend, but I told him that Ps Alan might not able to join too he was arrange to preach at main service for the week. Ps Andrew told me to replace him if there is no one available to share on behalf. OMG!!! this is really troubles me... yet I believe the Lord will give a way out, either there is someone to help or he will give me the strength and courage that I need to share on behalf. I prayed and I reply Ps Andrew not to worry about that and have a good rest, we will figure out what to do. At the same time, I drop a text to my ministry server to pray over it and see how's the Lord gonna work out for us. Later on, Chloe suggested me to ask our Decan Ah Weng to help. I texted Decan Weng whether is he available today or not, unfortunately he was at KL to attend his son convo. The Lord is good to me, when I go for the last choice by asking Samuel Lok for the slides to prepare, he coincidentally told me that Ps Alan also wanted to get the slides from him. Thank God for preparing Ps Alan for me. He volunteered to replace Ps Andrew to share it on the welcoming party. I feel so relieved and thank God for His wonderful supply without my effort to look for someone to help. 

  I feel so grateful and knew all thing works beautiful in His time. He brings many new friends to us and also do let them enjoy the party so well. The feedback of the party is good and there are two sisters told me that she was touched by the song lead by Bro James. I knew that's was really God who work in us and touch their heart!!! Praise the Lord!!! The games lead by Claire and Chloe also very good, I can see all of them participate well. God showed me that He help me to arrange the right people to take charge the right thing. All of them take initiative to play their parts well. On that day, we also have volunteers to help in those minor minor thing. I super appreciate them. May all glory to The One who love us so much, Jesus.  👐