Thanks God I have great time with my friends from Penang. Early morning received a message that they will come over to accompany me watch movie... that's Great... We go over to Autocity Ice ice Baby to have a set lunch just RM7.90... is worth. thanks God. After that i drop them in sunway carnival mall and go church to help trying up some games. I think this saturday will having great time together with the games we plan. Because the time is rushing me, I pray that can get my parking place as soon as possible because i think the movie will showing. Really thanks God, when I reach the mall, I straight away get my parking lot. It's awesome, I ever get this before.... Thanks God have prepare for me a such nice place I can reach and park it safely...I able to reach the cinema on time.... Great... thanks God. Little thing such like this can show that God really loves me..... I love you too God....really really do.
Very lucky things still happen on me. ~The Last Airbender~ I watched this movie today.It nice too but i do have some part I have difficulties in understanding the story....Thanks God my friend is explaining to me since she has watched this story in comic ^^

Next, is my great time to slim down.... Continuous 3 classes of fitness....(slimming dance, aerokick, free style dance) without taking any dinner before... I really taught I cant stand this classes... But finally, thanks God I make it ^^....Great.... breaking my record.Really exhausted after this.... Hope it really help me in slimming down....
When I'm dancing, I have something come in my mind... Really hope 1 day I can use this fitness step to get in Praise and worship song and teach all the youth people. When I listen to the song I like or familiar with, I feel more energetic... It really make up my mind to do this.... Keep it in prayer first....