Saturday, May 2, 2015

Day 16 02052015

Today is my family day. My sis will be coming back to celebrate Abigail birthday!!! 

That's a great challenge for me as well. I need more love to get contact with my bro in law. That's such a hard homework for me during this fasting period. God, you know my strength and weaknesses. Please help me in that... I need you desperately. 

Change the Way You Think 

Have you ever heard the saying "a mind is a terrible thing to waste'? Our minds have so much capacity for good, to learn, create, think and grow, and it's a tragedy when we don't use them to their highest potential. 

There was a time in my life when I allowed too many damaging thoughts to enter my mind, negative, tormenting, guilty, unforgiving, shameful and accusing thoughts. The problem was that I had no idea I could control my thoughts or choose which thoughts I focused on and believed in. 

I didn't realize that if I was thinking something that wasn't true, I had the power to stop. No one ever told me I could win in my mind. Has anyone ever told you? If not, then I'm here today to tell you that you don't have to let your thoughts control you. You can choose to think and focus on God-thoughts! 

Romans 12:2 says to "let God transform you, by changing the way you think." God wants to help you win the battle in your mind. But what does that look like on a practical level? 

Here's what has worked countless times for me and what I know will work for you too: The next time you're wrestling in your mind, I want you to stop and find something specific that you can thank God for. Tell Him how grateful you are for His goodness and all the rich ways He's blessed your life. As you're diligent to do this, you will see your life begin to change and things will get better and better. 

It's my hope and prayer that you will know the power God has given you and that every day in your thoughts, you will walk in the fullness of His love for you! 

Prayer Starter: God, I want to experience Your power in my thought life. I choose to focus on Your goodness and Your love for me. No matter what negative thought comes my way, I know that You are so much bigger and better.

My response: 
God, I know today's message is for me. I know no matter what negative thought comes my way, I know that you are so much bigger and better. Please be with me always. 

Today I also get to know my family's primary love language. I hope I could have use their primary love language to show my love to them. Praise Lord. Please be with me always ;) 
 I get so start another devotion plan. That's talking with God in prayer 

Thank God for all the ways He loves and cares for you. Ask Him to show you how much He wants you to talk with Him daily. 

Line up a number of small glasses next to the kitchen sink. One by one, fill the glasses. Discuss how you could fill every container in your house and water would still flow out of the faucet. In a similar way, God's longing for you won't end. 

God is available to you at all times. Just as you can fill another glass with water simply by turning on the faucet, so you can enjoy God's presence by going to Him in prayer. Read Isaiah 30:18: "The Lord longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!" God wants you to grow closer to Him, to be filled with His love and peace, because He longs for what is best for you. Although God works on your behalf, He wants you to respond to Him, showing a willingness to share your life with Him. One way you can do that is by talking to Him daily. 

- Who is your favorite person to talk to, and what makes this person your favorite? 
I think my church bro. John is my favorite person I would talk to. That's make him as my favorite that because he know me well. I can be so transparent and true in him and he know me very well. 
- Tell about a time when you really wanted to talk to this person. Why did you long to talk to this person? 
When I'm happy, sad and stress... Although he might not able to have a sweet talk with me, but he seem real to me, he doesn't seem fake and lie to me. 
- Why might God long to be gracious to you?
Because he is great and he can take over all my stress... Pain... Sad... Everything... I know he can fix it for me. ;)

Friday, May 1, 2015

Day 15 01052015

Today devotion 
Be a Mouthpiece for God! 

If you can grasp an understanding of the power of the words you speak, it may just change the course of your life! Your mouth is a powerful tool, either for God or for the enemy. In other words, you can either speak positive, uplifting, encouraging things into existence in your life or produce negative, gloomy and discouraging things. 

Now, I don't believe any of us want to be a mouthpiece for the devil. But the fact is, the mouth can be used for blessing or destruction, not only in our lives, but also in the lives of others. I've seen it in my own life. There was a time when pretty much everything I said was negative. 

But the Holy Spirit taught me how to use the creative power of the Word of God. I learned how to speak to the mountains rather than about the mountains in my life. What I mean is, I learned to apply the truth of His Word to my circumstances, and over time, I began to see positive and lasting results. 

The mouth is like a pen and your heart is like a tablet. When you say something over and over, it gets on the inside of you and becomes you. It's not something you have to try to do anymore, it's who you are. 

I'd much rather be a mouthpiece for God than the enemy. I want to speak His truth and enjoy my life. 

First Peter 3:10 says, "Let him who wants to enjoy life and see good days...keep his tongue free from evil and his lips from guile." Do you want to enjoy life? Then use your mouth to speak the things of God into your life! 

Prayer Starter: Lord, I know that my mouth is a powerful tool that can be used for You or for the enemy. I submit my mouth to You. Show me how to speak Your truth into my life and into the lives of others.

My response: 
I knew God you want me to stop Gossiping. You make me clear about the word of you and you hate people who gossip around.

Today thank God let us have a good team and happy working on labour day!! Praise Lord!!! 

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Day 14 30042015

Today is the second off day of the week. Supposingly I'm not gonna wake up early as last night I have a good chat with my bro- John. 
But, since that's the fasting period, the first thing I have done right after I'm awake were devotional and prayer. 
Today is day 14 of my fasting day. 
Faith to See Yourself Through God's Eyes 

Whatever you're facing in life, or whatever is coming in your future, God has already given you the faith for it. It may not look like it, and you may not feel like you have what it takes to overcome, but faith in God isn't based on our circumstances or how we feel. 

The enemy would like for you to believe that you don't have a chance in life, that you're too weak, too poor, too whatever. But God has a different view of you. God sees you through the eyes of love. He sees not what you can be, but what He has invested in you, not what you or others may see. 

Seeing yourself the way God sees you leads to a life of overwhelming victory.

But it takes faith. You can't just hear that God loves you and sees you as His child, you have to believe it. It takes faith to move forward and overcome the challenges of life. And faith does you no good if you don't know how to release it. You have to release your faith in order for it to work. 

We release faith through our words, actions and, of course, through prayer. It's up to us to act. 

First John 4:4 is a scripture we quote a lot, and almost anytime I say this verse in a church or meeting, everybody claps and cheers. But how many people really believe that "He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world?" 

The truth is, the One in you is greater and He loves you. So stretch your faith today and see yourself the way God sees you. It doesn't matter what the enemy wants you to see or how things might look. Our faith overcomes through the One who lives in us! 

Prayer Starter: God, I believe that You love me and that You have given me the power to overcome. As Your child, I will act on the faith You have given me every day, trusting in You and overcoming any obstacle that comes my way.

My response/prayer:
God, I know that you love me and given me the power to overcome all obstacle that comes my way . I'm trusting you always. Praise Lord. 

That's simple but a meaningful prayer of the day. I forward and modified it as a prayer to my bro and sis in Christ to build their faith and that's my prayer for them.
Hope in their life, they can be strong always and keep trusting God may give them more power to overcome their problem and stress. Praise Lord. 

I can strongly feel your presence Lord. Thank you!!!

Day 13 29042015

Devotion today 
Living a Life of Blessing 

I believe that one of the greatest opportunities we have as Christians is to make a profound difference in the lives of others. Throughout my life of ministry, God has given me the opportunity to help many people who need guidance. 

But I don't believe this is a special opportunity that God made just for me. Everyone, you included, has the ability to influence someone. When you take the time to reach out to others and invest in someone's life, you are impacting the world...yours and theirs. 

Galatians 6:10 tells us to "be mindful to be a blessing" to everyone God brings across our path. We are called to be a blessing and build up others in their faith, to not be afraid to reach out and to speak the truth in love. 

I don't believe God wants us to be mere spectators in life. He wants us to be people who really love others and care enough to be willing to pour into their lives. We need to build up others in Jesus' name so they can grow and reach even more people. 

Whether you know it or not, someone's watching and looking up to you. People are influenced by the way you live and they need to see God's love in your everyday actions. 

At times we'll make mistakes, and when we do we can thank God for His forgiveness, but we also have to realize that many times we may be the only evidence of God some people see. 

Prayer Starter: God, every day there is another opportunity that You have given me to reach out, bless and influence someone else with Your love. I want to live a life of blessing toward others, showing them what it means to live a God-focused life.

My response/prayer:
I pray for an opportunity to reach out, bless and influence someone with God's love. I want to live a life of blessing to someone. How could I make it today??? Show me, God. 

God really show me and give me an opportunity to show his love. 
I saw a blood donation corner before I go for my movie.

It has been such a long period I didn't donate blood since I was graduate. More than 5 years I think. I miss those day...
Is great to be one of the blood donor. Praise Lord. God has show me a great opportunity to bless the people. Thank God.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Day 12 28042015

That's today devotion!!!

Finding the Fun 

Want to hear a funny story? I've got a lot of them, and they come from things that happened in my ordinary, everyday life. Now, I wasn't laughing when those stories were in the making, but I'm glad I can laugh about them now.  

For example, I didn't think it was funny when I couldn't get my hair to stay in place, but if you'd seen what I did about it, you certainly would have laughed. It wasn't amusing when I tried to make clothes, especially for the people who had to wear them. And I was so irritated when Dave threw paper towels over the grocery store aisle at me, but I realize now, he just knew how to have a little fun no matter what he was doing. I'm glad I've learned to look at times like these and see the humor in them. 

Now I know that not everything in life is necessarily enjoyable, but I think we all need to learn to have more fun in our lives. And I bet if you took time to think about it every day, you could find a moment that brought you joy or you can laugh about now. 

God wants His children to have some fun. The Bible says a merry heart does good like medicine. I think we all need a healthy dose of laughter every day - many times during the day. You just can't overdose on joy! 

I encourage you to deliberately look for something to smile or laugh about every day, and be sure to share a smile or a laugh with someone else and brighten their day too! 

Prayer Starter: Lord, Your Word says that a cheerful heart is like good medicine. Thank You for helping me to find the joy and fun in life!

My response:
Thank God for everything he has done in my life. I'm glad and happy that bro Vince understand why I'm going to do so. 
God, please guide me and make me know that I'm joyful... That's the great medication is a cheerful heart. 

Monday, April 27, 2015

Day 11 27042015

Thank God!!! Last night I have a good rest!! 
Throwing Fear Outdoors 

I want to talk to you about a four-letter word: FEAR! 

Many of us can probably remember when we were kids, if we said a bad word, our mama threatened to wash our mouth out with soap. Well, if "fear" is a dirty, four-letter word, then faith in God's love is the soap! 

I'm not talking about wimpy faith. I'm talking about a powerful faith in God's unconditional, unlimited, unwavering, perfect love for us. 

First John 4:18 teaches that understanding God's love for us will deliver us from our fears. Now this doesn't mean we won't ever feel fear, but faith in God and His love will enable us to 'do it afraid' if we have to. 

God wants you to know that He is with you. He will lead and guide you, so you can put your confidence and faith in Him! 

Remember, His love is perfect, even when we aren't. He isn't going to love us any more or less because of our mistakes. Isn't it good to know that God loves you right where you are? Doesn't that thought just kind of boost your faith and take your fear down a notch? 

You and I are going to feel afraid now and then. When we do, we can get our focus back on God and know that He will lead us through any situation we face. 

It's the perfect love of God, not perfect us, that casts out fear every single time 

Prayer Starter: God, only Your love can cast out my fear, so I put my faith in You. I know that Your presence is with me and that You will lead me through any fearful situation I face. I receive Your love.

My response:
Love, without fear... I put my faith in you Lord! No matter what's happen, I know you are with me. That's more then enough ;)

Today I get another stack of coffee. I don't know what to do with that... Hmm... That's alots still in my locker. I clear the old stock out of my locker and place a new stack in!!!

Today a friend of mine text me as he didn't saw me when he back to church today. That's.... Amazing and I found, he actually have something to ask me about. Hmm... Whatever is it... I do hope he is really BACK! Praise Lord. 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Day 10 26052015

Is great that early morning I able to done my devotion. Is a great day today!!! Praise Lord. 

Fasting day 10
The Importance of Finishing 

Several years ago I read a verse that caused me to weep before the Lord. In John 17:4, Jesus says, "I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do." This is saying that following God means finishing what He's called us to do. 

Ever since reading that verse, it's become very important to me that I not just do what God has called me to do, but that I finish what He's called me to do. 

There are a lot of people who step out and begin a journey with God, but I don't think there are nearly as many who finish it. 

The apostle Paul said, '...If only I may finish my course with joy...' (Acts 20:24). 

I'm determined to finish God's call for me and enjoy every minute of it! That's what I want for you, too, to enjoy every single day of your life and finish what God's called you to do. 

But most of this is up to us. It's not all up to God. He has done His part and given us everything we need in Christ. It's up to us to keep learning, growing, and letting the Spirit of God work in us. Take time to consider the things that God has called you to do and ask yourself, "What am I doing today to finish strong what God has set before me?" 

God has great plans for you. Receive them by faith and go after them with all your heart. Today, I want you to make a commitment to finish strong. It's a commitment I know God will honor. 

Prayer Starter: God, like Jesus, I want to be able to say that I have completed the work You have for me. Thank You for working in me to give me the power and the desire to live for Your pleasure and finish my course with joy!

My response: 
Lord, I really hope that I learn from Paul which I could proudly said that I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 

"提摩太后书 4:7 那美好的仗我已经打过了,当跑的路我已经跑尽了,所信的道我已经守住了。" 
When can I say so??? God please help me to finish the work that you given to me. ;)