So fast.... times gone by.>><<>><<

God, I thanks u for everything u have blessed me. My family, my health, my study and my job....
Nothing is impossible as u be with me.
Last night, when I pray, it like a slide show that I can refresh back what I had done through out the year.
My tears keep dropping, I can't control.
Many thing I make u sad Lord, but u never forsaken me.
As I know that I can go through this 3 years course of nursing is not by myself, is with u Lord.
You gave me strength to make it happen.
When I been stressed up, u will comfort me in your way. It's amazing.
Many peoples were sharing their testimonies, how you guide them, protect them, love them.
This all I had experienced it. It's true, and 1 thing I still owe you Lord- a testimony. ^^
But I think I will share it with my friends. Is more comfortable for me to make it this way.
Nothing is impossible as u be with me.
Last night, when I pray, it like a slide show that I can refresh back what I had done through out the year.
My tears keep dropping, I can't control.
Many thing I make u sad Lord, but u never forsaken me.
As I know that I can go through this 3 years course of nursing is not by myself, is with u Lord.
You gave me strength to make it happen.
When I been stressed up, u will comfort me in your way. It's amazing.
Many peoples were sharing their testimonies, how you guide them, protect them, love them.
This all I had experienced it. It's true, and 1 thing I still owe you Lord- a testimony. ^^
But I think I will share it with my friends. Is more comfortable for me to make it this way.
Yeah...Start on a new year = NEW LIFE.
Transform me, Lord. I wanna be better person than I'm now. As a song:
Change my heart oh God
Make it ever true
Change my heart oh God
May I be like You
You are the potter
I am the clay
Mold me and make me
This is what I pray...
Make it ever true
Change my heart oh God
May I be like You
You are the potter
I am the clay
Mold me and make me
This is what I pray...
hope the year end of 2010,
you can see my improvement and don't be disappointed again on me!!!
you can see my improvement and don't be disappointed again on me!!!