Saturday, December 20, 2014


That's suppose to be a happy day as my beloved sis and her daughter -Abigial is back.
Sad thing was I really try hard to have a good conversation with my bro in law. That's really make me sad and mad on myself. It just like going back to the last two years that we are having some kind of misunderstand and our relationship screw up. I really hate this kind of feeling. It really mess up my day.

God, honestly I doesn't want this back to my life once again. I hate this kind of feeling. I can't allow one of my relationship breakdown like this. No matter that's my friend, my family, even those I not really know the person, I also wish that I could not mess up any of the relationship with them.

Lord, tell me and show me what's I'm suppose to do? Do I need to leave it like this? I can't manage it, could you lead me??? I can sense something wrong behind the scene, but I don't know why.... All I can do now is pray and surrender all to you once again. Beside, that's caught my attention was my bro - Philip. I know something happened on him that I can't really help him, but yet God please help me to take care of him, and sent the angels to look after him. 

Tonight and tomorrow will be another busy day. God, I need your presence and strength in me. Guide be through, I wish I won't me lost and worry. I know whatever thing may happened as your plan and I choose to obey, that's it. In Jesus Christ name I pray. Amen. 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Today is the second day of my fasting day. 
I plan on my fasting on Monday, Wednesday and Friday before Christmas Eve as to pray for those I have invited and those in need. 
As God said: But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. (Matthew 6:33 NKJV)
That's my prayer and I know God will take care of the rest of my life. 
I fast on my beloved coffee, Facebook and my dinner (only fluids allowed). 
Many temptation happened when I start on my fasting prayer. 
My parents keep asking me to go for my beloved Tom yam at the first two days on my fasting period. 
My friend drinking coffee infront of me. 
Gosh.... But through God's word, I scored. 

My reward from the early morning .... A cup of greentea starbuck. 

I can't imagine that my friend could sent a cup of greentea starbuck for me as I'm not requesting her to sent me starbuck (without coffee). It would happen that she sent me a cup of caffeine frappucino, I think my fasting could be screwed up. 
Thanks God for knowing me well. That's the booster dose for me in lightening my fasting day. 

Let's start on my devotion.
My today words from God. 

Let it be as you say, Jesus. 
I'm reading based on the scheduled devotion plan, I received a devotion plan on Mary's life.
I'm wondering how a little woman could used by God for his purpose as most of the great people in bible is a man. I need a model to follow. Who can I learn from? God let me learned from Mary (Jesus's mother)
She is great obedience person. 
She never sought her own comfort. 
She lived entitled to nothing.
She expected suffering rather than being surprised by it.
She waited and responded to God rather than trying to control any outcome.
She submitted to her husband’s leadership over and over again.
She received whatever the Lord had for her with joy.
That's what a woman could do for God. I know it, there's not too late to learn about that and I know God will change and help me to be more and more obedience and more like him. 
Praise Lord. 

My Heavenly Father, I'm surrending all my plan, my life, my cares to you Lord. I know you love those who obey you and that's the way I can win your favor. From now I'm seeking your kingdom and your righteousness in everything that I do, please strengthen me and help me to be more close to you and show me your plan. I'm waiting to respond on your call rather that trying to control over the outcome. Thank you Lord, I really wish to be a great women as according on your plan, to help my future right man,submitting the leadership over him but God please lead him as well. I also receiving whatever you had for me with joy for now. In Jesus Christ name I prayed, Amen.