Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Recently too busy with my life, working, prepare for study... Such busy life make me can't attend to church sun. Service for a months... Miss the building too. That's my second home. Anyway thanks God that I still can meet my bro n sis in Christ often as we are going out for meeting, party, cell group more frequent. 
Another thing to thanks God that he , I get a good relationship with him back. At 1st I'm shock when Chester told me he also know about that, I couldn't hide anything from him actually. After that night, relationship change, I feel shock and from bottom of my heart... I'm thankful that God do something during this period. I think both of us learn to love and humble.
It could be a good start for us. Thanks God. I love you, nothing is impossible through you.


挂着憔悴的容颜 走过灰暗的长街
带着心碎的感觉 生命一点一点枯萎
有什么人能体会 在我心里的残缺
到底有什么能够 让我来将一切挽回
恐惧惊慌害怕 我该如何去面对
悲伤苦痛交错 要到何时才能终结
让我再次展开双眼 给我一个全新视野 让我能够感觉 再次感觉
你给我的永远誓言 象彩虹般划过天边 人生不再残缺
奉献出所有一切 一切也无所谓