Saturday, August 5, 2017

His protection - 26/7/2017

26 July 2017 Wednesday

Early morning, again I received a text message from my colleague. She told me she has brought lunch for us! OMG!!! My DIET PLAN officially FAILED!

 Lord, I failed everything…

Evening, when I tidy up my wallet, I found something terrible! I forgot to renew my driving license. The expired date was drop on my birthday 2017 which is on May!
It has been over for two months plus. God, I need your protection, beside I also thank you for the reminder and protection over this period before I renew it.

I prayed for a smooth progress in renewing my license. Thank God for that!
Quite smooth!

Prayer meeting at night, I really enjoy your presence. In the morning, I suddenly forget how to sing that song which we sing on Sunday. δ½ ηˆ±ι™δΈ΄
Coincidently, Jason was leading the song. Wow… Love that and really experience His love again.
Today is Jason first lead of the prayer meeting also was his birthday. I told him, I give him grace which I just sent him his ugly picture without post it out! But Samuel Ho did it! Hahahahahaha πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚