Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I choose L♥vE

I CHOOSE LOVE ... "Love means u care for another person's happiness more than ur own, no matter how painful e choices might be" ~ N. Sparks "

God, I'm sorry, I'm not bringing him any happiness more than my own, but I said that I Lve him... What I'm doing??? Is there LVE???

I'm sorry that I keep hurting him as I thought that's I'm fall in love on him.

If that's the love you gave me, I think my love is just suck. You are awesome God, you might teach me how to love him and other more then myself each and everyday. I will following you forever I live. Thank You Lord.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Words of the Day 1

路加福音 13:6 于是用比喻说:“一个人有一棵无花果树栽在葡萄园里。他来到树前找果子,却找不著。

13:7 就对管园的说:‘看哪,我这三年来到这无花果树前找果子,竟找不著。把它砍了吧,何必白占地土呢!’


I'm praying that I'm not the one that had wasted all my life and do nothing for God. From now onwards, I will try my best to serve God my Lord with all I have and all my heart. Thanks God.