Saturday, April 25, 2015

Day 9 25042015

Today is the 9th day of fasting. Maybe due to the mistake that I had found while leading a newbie in Christ. I really care about what he shared in the CG. He say he will follow my way. That's totally wrong thinking. He shouldn't follow my way. Should follow Jesus. How am I gonna change that... Gosh!!! 

Early morning I wake up to pray and start on my devotion. 

Free to Be Relentless 

Relentlessly pursuing God is not necessarily easy, but it's definitely worth it. However, you can't really pursue God until you've first experienced real freedom. 

God is in the business of setting us free, and it's glorious to be free from guilt, condemnation, and always wondering what people are thinking of us. 

We're set free from the concern of failing when we know who we are in Christ. This brings us the courage to be able to step out and pursue God's promises. 

One of the greatest freedoms God has given me is the freedom to be me. For years I tried to be something I wasn't, feeling like I needed to be like this or like that, all the while knowing I wasn't like everyone else. Yet, I kept trying to be like others until I learned through my relationship with God who He created me to be. This also set me free from me, so I can focus on Jesus and reaching out to others the way He wants me to. 

Philippians 3 says Paul was determined, or relentless, to have the things that Christ Jesus died for, to know Him and the power of His resurrection. I believe when we are born again, there is a spirit of determination that rises within us. We can call it Holy Spirit passion or zeal, and it's what gives us the 'oomph' we need during hard times to say, 'I will not give up on having an intimate, passionate, deep, personal relationship with God. I will not give up on being all that Christ wants me to be.' 

Be relentless to stay in faith and receive God's promises. Remember, you belong to Him and He's given you a relentless spirit! 

Prayer Starter: God, I want to live a new life, relentlessly pursuing You and Your promises. I trust You to help me become all You created me to be and experience true freedom.

My response:
Lord, I want a new life. I want to have true freedom as well. Thank God for giving me such a good opportunity to learn how to guide a new believer and make him to be more like you, Lord. Please let me clear in mind that I should pray for more wisdom and strength to lead him and bring him to you, Lord. Thank God for giving me this gift as well to serve you and the people you loved. Praise Lord!!! My spirit was filled... 

Friday, April 24, 2015

Day 8 24052015

Today is day 8 for my fasting... Praise Lord that I could have no gastric upset so far. 

Today devotion 
When It's OK To Say "No" 

In Numbers 11, Moses gives us an example of what we can do when we're under stress. Talk about pressure, he was leading the Israelites through the wilderness on what should have been an eleven-day trip and instead ended up taking forty years! 

The people were depressed and weeping over their situation. In verse 14, Moses tells God, "I am not able to carry all these people alone, because the burden is too heavy for me." 

Like Moses, it's okay for us to say, "I've reached my limit." Yes, scripture says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Phil. 4:13 NKJV), but that's really referring to times when we face various trials and situations that God will help us through. 

It doesn't mean we should take on so many responsibilities that we completely burn out, like the woman who is raising five kids, works full-time, serves on the church board, etc. 

Sometimes, it's all just too much...and it's okay to admit that. It's also okay to say "no" to some things so you can really enjoy life the way God intended. 

Here's a newsflash: You and I don't have to be like everyone else or keep up with anyone else. God created some people to handle large amounts of work, but many people aren't made this way. 

Each of us needs to be who God created us to be, and we don't have to apologize for it. We each need to individually find the balance of responsibility God has established for us to live in so we can enjoy our life, instead of making ourselves sick with an overload of stress and pressure. 

When you reach your limit, go to God, just like Moses did. He will help you find a saner, healthier lifestyle. 

Prayer Starter: God, sometimes it's hard for me to slow down and say no to more responsibility. Help me to live with the balance of responsibility You created for me, so I can live with Your peace and enjoy life.

My response:
Thank you Lord for helping me to live with the balance of responsibility created for me. I appreciated and wish to be more and more like you and serve you all time.

Is great to know you Jesus. Yeah!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Day 7 23042015

Today that has been a tired day after helping up in a emergency case in the ward. But God's strength never fails at all time. 

Day 7 of fasting... One step closer to God. Hurray!!! 

A Sustainable Life 

Are you living a sustainable life? Maybe you've caught yourself saying things like, "I can't do this much longer. I just can't keep this up forever." When you make comments like these, what you're really saying is, "I know I have limits and that I've reached them, but I'm going to ignore them and see how long I can get by with it." 

Our body gives us warnings when we're pushing too hard, like an ache here or a pain there. But we think, "I'll be all right," and we ignore the warnings until we're too sick to ignore them. 

I'm not proud of this, but for the first twenty years of my ministry, I felt physically terrible a lot of the time. I ran to doctors and tried all kinds of pills and vitamins. The doctors tried to tell me that I was simply pushing myself too hard, but I ignored them. I kept pushing myself to do all the traveling, speaking engagements, meetings, and so on, simply exhausting myself. 

Finally, I realized that we can't ignore God's direction to take time to rest and not pay a price for it. So I made some changes and now I feel better than I ever have. 

If you are living an unsustainable life, stop putting off making the changes you need to make. Don't wait until something happens, like a nervous breakdown or a heart problem. Make changes now to live the kind of life God wants you to live. When you live God's way, I can guarantee you'll discover an overwhelming new level of peace in your life. 

Prayer Starter: Lord, show me the unsustainable areas of my life. I submit them to You. Lead me into Your rest and peace today, so that I can enjoy my life and serve You for years to come.

My response: 
Thanks God in leading me to his rest and peace. When handling the ill patient, I got peace and calm with me. That's what I can do. Praise Lord. 

No matter what happened in my life, I know there is your presence. 
He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. (Psalms 23:2 NKJV)
Thank you Lord! 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Day 6 22042015

Today is my fasting day 6. Intentionally I wish to fast lunch as to wake up early for my breakfast. Since I'm awake at 9am, that's lazy to go for my breakfast. I straight done my devotion and reading bible. Praise Lord. 

Boundaries Have a Purpose! 

Exercising self-control and self-discipline, and establishing boundaries and borders in our life are some of the most important things we can do. A life that has no discipline is one that's filled with carelessness. 

The Word of God establishes the necessary boundaries to keep us in God's safety zone. It tells us what we can do, and what we better not do, to be safe. 

As Christians we can think it's kind of exciting to live life on the edge. We like the image of "Yeah! That's me! Living on the edge!" It's become a popular way of looking at life. But to be honest, God doesn't want us living on the edge, because if we're living on the edge, then we have no margin for error. 

Highways have lines, one on each side and one in the center. These lines provide margins for our safety while we're driving. If we go over the line on one side, we'll go into the ditch. If we cross over the line in the middle, we could get killed. We like those lines because they help keep us safe. 

It's like that in our personal lives, too. When we have boundaries, borders, and margins, we feel much better and experience God's peace. 

The key is to go to God's Word, where He has laid out all the boundaries we need to live by. Let God direct your path every day. 

Prayer Starter: God, I recognize the need for boundaries in my life. As I read Your Word, show me how to apply Your healthy boundaries in my life today.

My response: 
God, I wish I will apply your healthy boundaries in my life. I pray... I read the word of God... I praise... 
Thanks God when I pray for opportunity to serve you, you did provide. Thank God.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Day 5 21042015

Today is my second day in kl. Is great that I could have a quality sharing time with my bestie- Wei Ee last night. 

Early morning, we have a date with my friend Lee Ching. I woke up, yet lazy to get up for my bath. I lying on the bed and start praying and devotion. 

What Do We Do? 

In the world we live in, we are going to have all kinds of problems, frustrations and difficulties. That's just life. So knowing this, what do we do? 

We must remain steadfast and persevere. In other words, the answer is never give up! No matter what's going on in our lives, the victory is in refusing to quit. 

Keep in mind that in the heat of our struggles, the Holy Spirit is probably doing His greatest work within us. He is not moved by the circumstances. If you and I really trust Him, we shouldn't be either! He's not in our lives for good times only, but for the difficult times as well. 

He will lead us through anything if we'll just hang in there and follow Him. This means being diligent in prayer, relentless in our resolve, unwavering in faith, and determined to stand firmly on God's Word and His promises to us. 

So many times we can be sidetracked by how slowly things seem to be going. In fact, the enemy loves to point that out! But remember, that's when God may be doing some of His greatest work. You see, it's not all about you and me. The Lord's work in us is preparation for the work He wants to do through us! 

I know life can be hard sometimes. But I also know that God will help us if we remain steadfast. Let's stand on Galatians 6:9: "So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up" (NLT). 

So let me ask that question again: What do we do? My answer is, never give up! What's your answer? 

Prayer Starter: God, I believe that You are at work in my life, even during difficult times. I choose today to remain steadfast and to never give up in obedience to You.

My respond: 
God I know when I move on everyday, you will make me to know about you more and more. Today is the 5th day. I enjoyed been full with your spirit, your love and your joy. 

That's great we able to passby my friend's church at kl as she leading us. I saw a book store. Wondering I would able to look for a book that my friend Benny was planning to buy. When we get in the book store, we caught by the pastor. He start asking us a simple question as he know we are from different church....

After all he start introducing me some nice book which I plan to buy it. One of the book is The Jesus I Never Know. .

That's a good book and best seller according to him. I brought it and I hope that's could make a change in my life as well. Praise Lord!!! 

Monday, April 20, 2015

Day 4 20042015

What's a blessed day Today!!! 
I plan to fast my breakfast!!! My mom brought me a loaf a bread made by coffee. That's great!!! Intentionally I plan to bring along the bread which my mom has brought for me as that's the breakfast they prepared purposely for me. But that's made by coffee, I can't have it. I honestly tell my mom I should have fast for coffee for 40days. She quite happy for my action. Praise Lord. At least I got the support and encourage by my parents is highly appreciated. Thank God once again ;) 

Hmm... Let's talk about today's devotion. 
Before I start on my devotion plan today, i pray and keep the others in prayer as well. God's speak to be to put love into action... with the five love language that I had learned. 

After all, I start reading on my devotion plan. Surprisingly it also mentioned about love. 

Jesus Is Our Example 

Love is something that can be seen. It is seen in the fruit of the Spirit working in our lives, in our behavior and how we treat people. Love has many facets, or different ways we can see it. For example, when a diamond ring is held up to the light, it can sparkle in various ways depending on which way it is turned in the light. I believe love also sparkles in different ways depending on how we look at it. 

I Corinthians 13:4-7 gives us examples of the many facets of love: 

Love endures long, it has the ability to put up with stuff for a long time. 
Love is never envious, it doesn't want what it doesn't have. 
Love is not boastful or vainglorious, it doesn't call attention to itself. 
Love is not conceited or rude. 
Love doesn't insist on its own way. 
Love pays no attention to a suffered wrong. 
Love never gives up! 

These are just a few ways we're supposed to love others...and it's also the way God loves us. First John 4:8 says that "God is love." He loves us and has saved us, so now we can share His love with others. 

To imitate God, we have to look at Jesus, a perfect representation of God who lived out all of the descriptions of love in 1 Corinthians 13. He always acted in love in every situation, even when people came against Him.  

Colossians 3:12-14 says to "clothe yourselves therefore, as God's own chosen ones.... And [put on] love".... Like Jesus, let's clothe ourselves in love and choose to follow His example, bringing honor and glory to God. 

Prayer Starter: God, You have shown me what love is like by loving me first. Help me to follow the example of Jesus and live out all the facets of love in my day-to-day life.

My respond: 
Thank God for loving me and show he love example to me to follow and live out all the facets of love in my day to day life. Lord, I thank you for your present and make me understand more about you and be with you always. Praise Lord!!!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Day 3 19042015

Today devotion 
Relying on God 

I believe every time we feel frustration, it means we've really stopped relying on God. That might sound like a bold statement to you, but think about it: God's given you and me His Holy Spirit and His grace to help us walk through anything that comes our way. Frustration hits when we stop depending on Him and try to make something happen our own way. 

Understanding this really helped me. Every time I became frustrated, I reminded myself that what I was really doing was trying to take the place of the Holy Spirit. I was trying to be Holy Spirit Junior! 

Do you struggle with an independent spirit? When you refuse to depend on God, in essence, you're saying, "Okay, God, I appreciate that You're around, but watch me do this." Depending on God for everything may be difficult, but it's the key to the victory we need every single day of our lives. 

When God saved us, He didn't help us and then say, "Ok, that's it. You're on your own now!" He's eternally saved us, which means if we depend on Him, He will guide us and help us. 

Galations 5:16 urges us to "walk and live [habitually] in the [Holy] Spirit...then you will certainly not gratify the cravings and desires of the flesh".... Notice that it doesn't say "conquer the flesh independently...then you will certainly not gratify the desires of the flesh." No, it says to live in the Holy Spirit. 

Choose to stop living independently, and rely on the Holy Spirit. I promise you won't regret it! 

Prayer Starter: God, You are all I need. Help me not to trust in myself, but to put my trust in You and to rely only on You.

My response: 
Thanks God for his presence. Although today I was busy while working, but God grant me with all kind of wisdom and joy. Praise God. My friend who start the fasting with me also shared with me on what he has received from God. That's great. 

Thanks God for arranging my friend off day and mine so that we could have another extra time spend in KL. That's great!!!