Thursday, March 22, 2012


Today I date a friend that I know from secondary school. She was a christian, and when I pray I think of her. I wish I can help her in spiritually growth. God use everyone of us...included her. I trust God will make some changes in her life. Thanks God. I work because of God... not others... I hope my little sharing and use my time to burn someone to CRAZY for JESUS again...that's the best part in my life. That's meaningful.

Another thing I experience grace from God, that I can free from an accident by the protection from God.Thanks God....I been protected and that I know is the power from God... and this will be my testi that I can share with my friends.... thanks God.... I Love You...
Tomorrow I can still praising You that's a my life....

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Today when I wake up by a friend call. After that I had a good time with God. I read the Act 18-20.
That about Paul lay down his life to share Gospel to the unbeliever from place to place. got few verse touch me is at Act

20:26 所以我今日向你们证明,你们中间无论何人死亡,罪不在我身上(注:原文作“我于众人的血是洁净的”)。

20:27 因为 神的旨意,我并没有一样避讳不传给你们的。

20:28 圣灵立你们作全群的监督,你们就当为自己谨慎,也为全群谨慎,牧养 神的教会,就是他用自己血所买来的(注:或作“救赎的”)。

20:29 我知道我去之后,必有凶暴的豺狼进入你们中间,不爱惜羊群。

20:30 就是你们中间,也必有人起来,说悖谬的话,要引诱门徒跟从他们。

20:31 所以你们应当警醒,记念我三年之久昼夜不住地流泪,劝戒你们各人。

20:32 如今我把你们交托 神和他恩惠的道;这道能建立你们,叫你们和一切成圣的人同得基业。

20:33 我未曾贪图一个人的金、银、衣服。

20:34 我这两只手常供给我和同人的需用,这是你们自己知道的。

20:35 我凡事给你们作榜样,叫你们知道应当这样劳苦,扶助软弱的人,又当记念主耶稣的话,说:‘施比受更为有福。’”

in devotional version is about


  20:24 一般人认为,如果一生中在知识、玩乐、金钱、事业上没有很大的收获,人生就是失败的。不过,保罗却认为除非他将生命用来成就神的工作,否则生命便毫无价值。他为生命付出的,远较他从生命中得到什么重要。哪一样对你更重要呢?是从生命中所得着的,还是为生命所付出的呢?如果有人想为神工作,他必须一心一意。保罗是个一心一意的人,他一生中最重要的目标就是向别人介绍基督(参腓3:7-13),无怪乎保罗是有史以来最伟大的宣教士。神正寻找更多只专注大使命的人。


20:31, 36-38 保罗与这些信徒的关系,是基督徒相交的美好榜样:他关怀他们,爱他们,甚至为他们的需要而流泪;他们也以爱和关怀来报答他,并且因他的离开而忧伤。他们一同祷告,互相安慰。你也可以像保罗那样,与其他基督徒一同祷告,分享主恩,关怀他人,与人同哀伤,同欢乐,从而建立深厚的情谊,惟有你为身边的人付出时,你才能得着他们。

I know that I need to learn from Paul, have a relationship with who we lead, love them and teach them with words of God, cry for the needs of the others, PRAY CARE SHARE....
I love you Jesus....I love the others as well... God Please strength me with your love. I need You Lord.

What I learn in GenXtra 16-18 March 2012

Thanks God I had the opportunity to share out what I receive from God from this few days.
At first I though that I won't join for this year of GenXtra as I know that everyone is cooling down for the seek of the purpose in GenXtra. But thank God finally I'm joining too, if not I think I won't know what God's calling in my life. I had answer God calling anyways.
The 1st sharing is from Ps. 朱植森. He share Psalm 47:1-2.
---"What we do is about Jesus want us to do."
---"What we do is what bible teach us to do."
---we need to clap, shout our loud the woship.
--- we are the ARMY of God.
We need to share Gospel to the others if not those we love will go to hell.
He teach us a song that is good in sharing gospel to the others.
That's the song include all main thing in the gospel to share. I had memorize it.

Another sharing is from Ps 黄志明. He share about Peter's life. Peter following Jesus, obey to God's calling...

Another next day service sharing is from Ps 朱植森. He share about how he following Jesus from his young age. In his working place he lay down himself to serve the people without any complain. I refresh back my life. many times, when I serve I would like to complain. I didn't lay down my life to fully use by God. I had plan my life, follow my own will to do everything I think is good for me, but I forget to ask God what he want to use my life for. Is that he planned like this way? or what I do now just like I'm rounding the Island no purpose at all.

The 1st workshop time is that Ps. Daniel sharing. Share how his church youth grow from 50-900paxs. The 1st thing we need to have is same
1. Vission
~ brings fashion, growth,
~ vission need to be share out from one and other. always remind.
~work for the vision not just think and think for that only
~build a RIGHT team to have same vission to work together for God
3. Discipleship
~one on one discipleship
~use time, money and the best thing is LOVE to influence and lead.
~teach them with love. (bullet =love)
~hope that those we lead will stronger then us, faithful then us.
4. Crazy
~ Mark 3:21
~crazy for God. passion for God.
~They have the good time sharing gospel in public at pasar malam before...

Another sharing from Ps 朱植森 is visiting.
we must visit our friend with somethings else.not with an empty hand.
predestined =order + plan
命定= 命令+安排
God call us is to serve him and worship him.

After the sharing he make a calling to those who decide to lay down their life to God.
Not saying that we need to have a full time serving, in our working place we also can serve him with all our heart. Use what we are working as to serve him, work not because for money, is for God. He ask us to deside and answer to God seriously. That's a commitment and agreement with God must take it seriously. In that moment, I know that God's calling, holy spirit fill me, I keep tearsing...crying in God....I can't stop... my heart have a strong feeling that I can't run away from God calling again..I must stand and live for Jesus. Ps 朱植森 call all church leader or pastor come to pray for us. Ps Andrew pray for all of us. and again I know that... is time for us to stand and work for him our mighty God.

Beside I also learn to break down all our bad habit...selffish, sleepy, wasteful, untidy, emo, rude.... many others... that all will distract us from being faithful and do the best serving in God.
God give us task to handle spirit of the others, If we mess up with our life, what we can do for others???
How was our spiritual journey??? If we also can't have a intimacy relationship with God how we gonna lead other to have a relationship with our God.
I had decided to work for God in the rest of my Life... so... what are me waiting for...
Start to train out myself to love him, enjoy him and have a intimacy relationship with God.
God....I LOVE YOU so so much.......Can't wait to serve you...HS please lead me, guide me and build me. Use my body, soul and spirit...and all my heart for ur purpose...not mine...Thanks God...In Christ Jesus name, AMEN.