Busy Sunday.
Thank God for His grace for me.
The day before, I remind Dr. Sin Hong as we will serve medical check together today. He suddenly told me that he can't make it and it really throw me a shock as there are no medical personal available to serve with me. If not I might need to serve alone without any helping hands. That's really stress. Then I start to pray for someone to help me up.
In my mind, I remember Daniel Khoo.
I'm asking him to help me and he really did a good job. Thank God!
In my mind, I remember Daniel Khoo.
I'm asking him to help me and he really did a good job. Thank God!
Beside, I also ask help from Jack and Benjamin. Poh Thing helped me lots too. She really good. :D
John, Daniel and Benjamin sitting around there and asked me to teach them to take blood pressure manually.
Lunch time, I might not able to join them as I got no transport and when they asking me to join them was late. I promised Young Men uncle to have lunch with him, but coincidentally we have lunch at the same place. Thank God.
Kim Gary... lolz
Ivan's favorite place.
Jack and John come find me as Jack found his neck having a pimple's like vesicle. He scared that might be sign of Chicken Pox!
Today also the day my brother Desmond exam date.
Right after his exam, he called me. Too bad I did not able to answer his call immediately. I think I get a good nap at that time.
At night, he called me and chatting with me in a meanwhile John asked me to join him for "pool" game.
This is the first time I ask John to wait. lolz
His text message makes me laugh.
Bro Desmond keep telling me that "someone" seem have an interest in me, that's really make me stressful.
After stop chatting with my bro, I playing games with John.
I really play a "shit" on every games... might due to my stressful period. I told him I quite stressful and he keep asking what's make me stressful and I told him. lols...
Aiks.... God, please help me.
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