Whatever dream, wishes that I had in 2013 was over, new things replacing it. I wish I won't fall back to the past and no longer stay still at year 2013.
Previously I had a good practice in writing my blog everyday, but recently I found my life was filled up with so much the activities that took place of my blog writing time. Maybe I had given up something I had missed in 2013. Someone I missed no longer appear in my memory? Congratulation to myself, I'm get through the sad period I had been wishing it.
Maybe now my mind was clearly set up for my coming dreams.
1. I wish to pass my degree program with flying color. Thanks God - I had done it through Jesus who giving me wisdom and strength to make it happened. All As..... Claps....Praise Lord...
2. I wish to earn more money so that I can leave Malaysia soon. Although I'm not that rich still, but I had set up my mind that I could be leaving soon after my contract or I had done my degree program, neither. - For this I need to be pray..pray and pray....
3. I wish to have a small coffee/wine/beer house in future as I'm a coffee lover, wine lover as well as beer lover. The purpose of this house should be base on sharing and counseling to those who in needs in psychology. - I had a counseling basic certificate only that not enough for me to build this kind of house that could serve the people with kinds of needs. I need to be improve and strong in spiritually as I need to influence the people around me, but not get influence by people.

4. I wish to get married if I could meet a right man that God's had chosen for me. That's I should pray hard so that I can have wisdom in choosing and loving this man that's I had chosen and be a good model for the young people around me.

Recently I had quite upset with a church sister. Although I'm really disagree that she had finally getting divorce with her husband, but somehow I had accepted the things had happened and I had try my very best to stop it. I really feel disappointed to her, but I can't really give any comment as I'm still single and she will think that I'm not understand her situation and whatever I said was just a nonsense, there was no persuasiveness as I'm not having a good real experience and I can't be a good model for now. I really wish that my love story could be a testimony to glory God's name and be a good role model for the new generation. "no sex before marriage", "love one another with the love from God", "Pray for each other and let Jesus be the center in my new created family".
Many of my friends asking that is that I'm getting high expectation on my right man? I'm wondering that... Actually I just want a man that could fills with God's loves and could love and take care of me. That's simple, and also was hard as it was subjective as how I could know that a mans was filling with God's love? I know that God will gives me the wisdom I need for getting a right man.
I keeps mention about the right man but not a perfect / good man as there is no perfect or good man exist in this world, but right man was the one who can love you with who you are, accepted you as what you are, be with you with any circumcision that you faced and forgive you with any mistake that you had made. He is the right one. For now I'm training to be the right one for who I loved as well. God please lead me, :)

2014 is a good starting point........ to be a better women for Jesus. Fighting....^^
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