Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pen@ng 1 day TriP

Early morning we get ready to meet at Penang Caltex petrol station and go "yam cha"... although i'm the one driving, still the earliest we reach there.... wahaha... then i went back to my hostel to put my " bao bei" there and join them back at "Bali-bali" there.
wow.... can guess how much we take right? yummi...
Soon after we go penang hill...
inside the so call "cable car" damn hot and packed, but we still manage to take picture. that's call "keng" ah!!! ^^
that's what it look like from outside!!!
go through a cave.... just like the way we pass through when travel to Ipoh but more shorter for sure~~
nice view right? took from the penang hill
walking at the street of Penang hill ^^
advertisement for the pondok telefon there.... haha
waiting at the old letter box there... weird right? ^^

walking also won't forget to pose and take picture!!!
...while waiting to get in the cable car.
lunch time~~
we go "lai lai" kopitiam take our lunch....
damn damn hungry like hell... ordered chee cheong fun, yeong tao hu with yam rice... wow... nice!!!
Get on to next station ... that is " BaBa and Nyonya " world...

~Is not the main door, but have the baba and nyonya style~
~at the living room there~
Nyonya dreSSeS many hanging there ^^
~ many kind of bead ~
use as toilet... yuck!!! >.< at the kitchen play around ^^
wow... nice pose...
like during the Chinese new year... "gong xi fa chai" ^^
can see i'm not siiting on it....scare it can't support my body weight! haha
happy family at Baba and Nyonya world ^^
me and little cute girl acting like the modal behind!!!^^

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