Jessica and me were the MOST normal one in this picture. but our pose like a bit slating right? haha.... weird too...
Shin Siang leh was the SEXY one in this pic. don't know when he would like to change his profession to become a MODEL!!! SEXY MODEL!!! haha...
our main main birthday UNCLE-Shin Lun waiting for us to celebrate for him, beh kuai he expected so much la... but... he really not observant enough, Xiu Li put on 26 candles for him for his 25th birthday cake he also accept it....haiz... good also la... we no need celebrate for he next year... we just present him this kinda pic. more then enough...haha...(have to make clarification for xiuli, actually she din mean to add in 1 more candle, is us wanna test whether he will realize or not).
got 2 person like to play pea-ka-boo behind...1 person left half face... another 1 half also can't see it!!! haha...
Teresa was the Half face one, and laughing happily there....
Wendy was the one kena blocked by me... anyway...i just saw where is the camera place, and focused on it... haha... pai seh la!!!
Yan Ling was the person sat nicely there, but unfortunately when capture time, she wanna share something i think, so end up with this!!!haha....
actually still have some ppl don't know where they hide.... my sis as a CAMERA girl... so can be excused..haha... but Christine and John don't know where they hide....so i will give them a label in facebook....haha... can go there have a look so!!!haha...
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