Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Bank Negara 29/8/2017

29 August 2017 Tuesday

Blessed Tuesday starts with Jesus. I wake up early in the morning prepared to go bank Negara as yesterday I went to two banks they could not help me to print my CCRISS. Aiks… 

I pray for a smooth process to get a copy of my CCRISS. Lord, I know you are with me. That was my first time to go Bank Negara and also my first try to go other places in this hour before heading to work. I use Waze to help me up by leading me to the right place. Unfortunately, there are some blockage as the soldiers and polices were having their National Day training beside the Bank Negara. OMG…  

 I really do not other ideas to get there since that was my first time being there. Suddenly I feel someone was leading me after the Waze apps were not able to help anymore inside my heart and mind. I went through the blockage and get a carpark just right beside the bank Negara. That was so amazing. I know that was You, my dear Holy Spirit. Thank You for leading me. 

When I reach there, it was 8.54am. I slowly walk to the entrance and the police (as security) have a right guess on me for the purposely I am going to Bank Negara. That was funny and interesting. When get in the Bank, I thought I need to pay for the CCRISS when printing it out from the computer on my own. They did not get any fees from me and I can easily get help in understanding my CCRISS report through a staff sitting inside of the counter. Thank God!!!

Since the time was early, I am really happy for all the smooth process. Suddenly I am craving for Toh Soon Coffee and their nasi lemak. On the way I am going to the bank, I did passed by that area. I think it was a must to go through the area once again. I drop by that place and take away few packs of coffee and nasi lemak for my colleague too. The processes also seem really smooth to me. Praise Lord!!!

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