Friday, December 4, 2015

Working holiday Day 69 (04122015)

Early morning I wake up saw that's a sunny day. I cancel my plan for a jog and riding the bicycle to buy something like flowers, Ivy and Noah's BBQ paste, some drink and snack for camping and ask kiwi bank if let's say I'm not using the bank, is that any charges... Etc.. 

When shopping in countdown, I bump into Emer-son which is a guy from life group, worship team and mission team. I have quite a good impress on him. He called me when I'm looking for any tarts and bread area. He told me that he saw lee yan last night. I told him I would like to have the group photo which we took it during the life group Christmas celebration. He told me that he will post it soon. Then shall we meet at life at six, soon. 

After end the conversation with him, I realize that I might not able to join life at six as I'm worry which the plan might out of what I expected. Haiz... I do hope to get the photo direct from him which sound better. After few minutes I'm thinking of that, I saw him again, I don't want to miss the chance and I honestly told him which I might miss the service too, if I really miss the service, I do hope can get the picture direct from him. I asked for his contact, but he was taking his company phone, so I gave him my phone and ask him leave his fb contact, that's better way to keep contact. 

I didn't realize I'm so brave to do it... Lolz... 

Byson text me to search for the tent which I'm still hanging at the market. Before that, I saw a sun glasses which seem quite cheap to me 5.9nzd and I know Byson wish to buy a cheap one. So I brought it for him as he bring me to cashmere last night. That's not cheap for the petrol money too. 

Whole morning planning and looking for the tent, make me frustrated... I start to worry... And I prayed. God, please show me a way! 

I found a shop which need roughly 50nzd and just provide us a tent only. I felt that's abit expensive to me... Too bad!!! But if there's no choice, then that's the one should go for. I keep asking around like calling Andrea, texting Irene and Emer-son. 

Initially Irene told me that she just have a tent for two person. After that, she prepared everything ready for me. That's really wonderful. I know God's answered my prayer by sending Irene as an angel to help me up. 

My lunch...

During the time, Byson asking me wanna go have the wrap or not. Ask me check on the time. That's awesome. I can have the wrap!!! 

I'm just waiting him to be off duty. After he get me, we heading to get the souvlaki at Re-Start mall. Meanwhile, that's sunny. I remembered I buy him a sun glasses. I took it out for him, he say that's terrible!!! Initially he refuse to wear it, I convince him, he wear it!!! Lolz. Initially he say that's really not nice, he don't like it, but after that, he keep wearing it even out from the car. That's funny!!! 

He keep reminding I just left few days in New Zealand. That's too bad!!! One week sharp!!!

I got my beef steak souvlaki! 

I help him to take picture!!! That's funny!!! 

After that we go Asian market to buy some stuff as he wanna cook something for dinner as well. I also wish to buy a BBQ sauce for them. That's really good, finally I got it for them. 

After that, back home I help him clean his car as last night I play with his mirror and it got my finger print on that. Haha... 

That's too bad, after that he left. 

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