Friday, November 27, 2015

Working holiday Day 62 (27112015)

Counting down 15days left in New Zealand. Today is my day 62 in New Zealand. Actually recently I keep asking God, why I'm here? Why just only few months? Why I can't be like the other working holiday people? They can go North and South Island and travel around? Why not me? 

All why crushing my head... 
I'm wondering... 
God, what's your plan in me? What you want me to learn? 
Reflect back the first day I came, I'm really blessed!!! Enjoy Max the life here, although I quite miss my family, bro and sister in Christ, friends and Malaysia food. But slowly I get use to the life in New Zealand. I got a good church here, got a good family of Christ here, friends... 
Somehow, it seem good. 
Because of I got less time spend in New Zealand, so I treat this all job, friends, family as my learning project. I wish I can learn as much as I could from them. Polish my cooking skill, learn to be a women of God which I can support my husband in future, learn to be a loving person which God want me to be. 

From the starting point I pray for this New Zealand trip, God put a dream for me. Growth in spiritually, meditate his word, learn to be a good model in my future marriage.

I didn't bring the book which I hope to learn for, I just keep listen to the sermon by Rick Warren. The message strongly teach me about better together with the people, learn to love... About God's plan in me, is to loved by God and love people! That's our purpose of living... What's I'm waiting for? 
God doesn't ask me to travel around... 
And I know I will not able to done all those travel in this short period. 
God, what can I use my life to love?
He put Andrea and John this family to
Me! This is what I saw... The love of Jesus in this family!!!  They are loving couples and they are generous. This is what I can learn!!!

In the evening, as usual I'm making the paper crane for grandma. My flat mate was around to talk to me and the France guy give me a piece of cookies, I can't say no even I'm damn full!!!

Evening, there is second hand item sale in a very cheap price,  I go just have quick look before Lisa get me. That's really different. I get in the school. That's their community event help the poor people to get their cloths, pretty awesome the idea. 

Is time to visit my grandma. I cook some red bean soup for her, but unfortunately she doesn't like that!!! But she keep kissing me when I come. That's touching. 

Lord, how can I share your love to her? Teach me. 

After all, again we have a wonderful dinner time with my cousin Lisa and her family. That's awesome. We have a good sharing time together. I enjoy that so much, I hope they about the same! 

Thank god I have them in my life here. 

Again I back home, I met a China boy and have a good chatting time with him. He was my brother's friend in New Zealand. That's cool!!! New Zealand was small!!!

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