Thursday, November 5, 2015

Working holiday Day 40 (05112015)

Today I'm off!!! 
That's so bless is I'm enjoying my max on my only day off of the weekdays! 

Unplanned getting back to Madam Kwong restaurant for lunch as accompany my ex flat mate and her BF. 
And I left my bag at the restaurant! That's too bad! 

By the way thank God for the protection!

She shared alots with me on her story! That's awesome! I enjoyed the coffee moment with her. 

Next, that is something interesting! Buying some groceries and he cook a meal which named "白醬飯配雞扒加西蘭花"

So nice, even I'm not really a cheese bake lover!

At night, that's too bad which I know that's was late as we cooked for our dinner. I skip the class with Elsa and we go for the fireworks! I'm not going with her, as she go with her housemate! 

I go with the HK guy and his flat mate from Taiwan. That's cool!!! 

The fireworks was amazing!!! It just like dropping 3D on my head! That's awesome!

Thank God for the wonderful second plan for me. Hmm... I know is bad that I had skip the class, but I had invited them to attend the community fun day on sat! God, please take the lead!

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