Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Working holiday day 9 (05102015)

Today damn windy here. Actually I plan for jogging and library day. 

After praying I plan to start on my fasting prayer from today after 5pm for three days. I wanna look for a good job, a place to stay, clearly say that's a direction I hope. I really lost, Father. 

Right after my decision, my housemate plan to have a steamboat in the house. Honestly I told them I got this fasting prayer, but they are good, they make it before 5pm and we have a lots of fun in between.

After that it was not the end. 
They ask for a time to shop and karaoke. 

First time singing with different people and different country. Wow... Cool!!! 

And I order a special drink as well. 
Amy friend's order another type of drink "takira" for us. I take a shot!!! Wow... That's new. 

I thank God for everything and plan today. 

Beside, my poor pastor did chat with me via video messenger. A short while he is playing a soft music. I fall asleep while we are still on the line! Gosh!!! I'm so sorry... Mostly because of the alcohol effect! Too bad of me!!!

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