Tuesday, June 9, 2015


“Start with God — the first step in learning is bowing down to God; only fools thumb their noses at such wisdom and learning.” (Proverbs 1:7 MSG)

Have you noticed that the moment you establish a goal in your life, you start hearing people say, “Who do you think you are?” or “It can't be done” or “Forget about it”?
The antidote to the voices of doubt is to instead listen to the voice of God. Just imagine all the critics that were in Noah's life. “That guy Noah thinks God speaks to him, but he's just messing up all of our property values by building that ark in his front yard.”
The Bible tells us that Noah listened to God. And what did he hear? He heard God's warning that the world was going to be destroyed. He believed what he had not yet seen. That's what faith is — being certain of something we don't see.
So Noah didn’t turn back on the vision God had given him. Instead, he built the ark.
God is going to give you a goal for your life, and some people may think it’s pretty crazy. But you’ve got to stay focused on what you know God has said through his Word, the Bible. Then, you’ve got to go build your ark!
  • What are ways you’ve allowed fear or criticism to keep you from reaching your goals?
I think the ways I have allowed for fear or criticism which keep me from reaching my goals will be I'm willing to get the favor of the people as well.
I shouldn't win the favor of the others beside God.
  • What dream would you pursue if you were not afraid of criticism? 
I think I will keep trusting God will bless me a good man with a good marriage which I could use this as an great example to motivate the rest of the people or couples around me to win the favor of God.
  • How can you practice listening for God voice?
By spending a quiet time with God in praying and reading the word of God everyday before I start on my day.  I hope I could do it continuously until I met you, Jesus in heaven. :)
Everyday... start with saying GOOD MORNING HOLY SPIRIT.

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