After that, me and my cousin -Jia wei was going to visit an Aunty from our church. She was having pain on her leg and get admitted in BM general hospital. Due to restricted visiting hours, I might need to walk in the ward alone and Jia Wei was stopped by the guard and waiting me out of the ward. I help the Aunty to stand up for sometimes, talk to her, share with her and try to know what's going on for her sickness. Before I left, I did make a prayer and leave my contact for her. I really wish she was healthy and God's healing hand on her.
After that we move on the next visiting, that's Rachel's father. We get pastor Jing Ming to come with us and we talk to him and spend some quality time with him while waiting for the doctor to come. The doctor was not able to give us a confirmation on the time of transferring her dad to Kl hospital as they were still waiting the feedback from Kl hospital as well. As the same, pastor Jing Ming do a prayer once again before we left.
Come to the lunch time, pastor Jing ming share with us on the things they had discuss on the past Angel meeting. That's a pretty good sharing time... Hmm.. But it's seem we are getting tired after that.
By the way, Jia wei and me were worried on bro Philip for sometimes as he seem avoiding us for some reason. Without further delays, we plan to date him out for "coffee". With the coffee time, I hope God can make this precious time meaningful and useful for his future and plans. In the meanwhile, I found something wrong on my cousin while heading to the next destination. I asked to stop by on aside and talk to her. Thank God for the spiritually sense from the Holy Spirit, I hope my prayer and God's word from the moment does help her. I know, God want to speak to her in that moment. She cry out loud... After that .... She was able to move on as well.
Another great thing was We have a good time spended with bro Philip in a cafe. No matter what's the outcome, I know what's the right thing to do. I should love him with the love from God. Just like what Jesus do to the Zacchaeus. Jesus love him so much, because of the love of Jesus, Zacchaeus changed. I do hope with the love of God, bro Philip will changed and transform become a better person. God really love him.
Wonderful night spends with my family once again after dinner. My uncle get Jia wei and me to listen on what's he has saw while praying for us. He told me that he saw I'm getting a ministry. Ministry on the ladies with abused. While he telling me about this, I'm shocked. I really didn't think about that before. After he had told me, he asked me about what I feel. Honestly, I have a strong feeling that I might involve in a ministry of counseling on marriage. It's unbelievable as I have no experience on single relationship with men and I'm single and available right now. I couldn't imagine that it may happened in my life as well. If I'm sharing this, people would have a good laugh on me as I also can't imagine from my condition right now, how could I counseling on the people would have problem in marriage if I would not have a good marriage indeed. After all, my Aunty and uncle shared on a first miracle done by Jesus which is change the water to the wine. He asked us that why Jesus do so... And so on.... Such a long preaching after that... But I love to listen and think about that. After the sharing it make me confidently know that I'm God's beloved child and I should deserve the best one -best man in my marriage. Honestly I do not have much confident before as I'm thinking that I might not as pretty as the other, not smart or gentle like the others...but God give me a dose of confident that I should look and wait for the best... As I'm God beloved and I have God's extreme blessing in me. Amen.... I'm looking forward to the blessing and serving in future... praise Lord.
God, I'm here.... Show me your way and put the desire in my heart so that I can follow you always. Amen.
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