Thursday, December 24, 2015
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Day 36 21/12/2015: What's on earth am I here for?
Rick Warren
Part of mission:
- Do it together
- Only you can do.
Jesus: “In the same way that
you gave me a mission in the world, I give them a mission in the
world.” John 17:18 (Mes)
Ministry is in the church (believer)
Mission is in the world (non-believer)
Mission is in the world (non-believer)
“The most important thing is that I complete my mission, the work that the Lord Jesus gave me- to tell people the Good News about God's grace.” Acts 20:24 (NCV)
God put you in this planet is to use you.
God put you in this planet is to use you.
“Each of us will give an
account of himself to God.” Rom. 14:12 (NIV)
Parts of life
Parts of life
- bringing
- going
“Work at bringing others to Christ.” 2
Tim. 4:5 (NLT)
“Go at
once into the streets and alleys of the town, and bring in the poor, the
crippled, the blind, and the lame... and go out to the roads and lanes, and urge
all the people to come so My house will be full.” Luke
14:21-23 (NCV)
first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him,
"We have found the Messiah". And he brought him to Jesus.” John
1:40-42 (NIV)
“Whatever a person is like,
I try to find common ground with him so that he will let me tell him
about Christ and let Christ save him.” 1 Cor. 9:22b (LB)
Do what you love to do, with the non believer.
Do what you love to do, with the non believer.
GOD’S PROMISE: “Only those who
give away their lives for My sake and for the sake of the Good News will
ever know what it means to really live.” Mark 8:35 (LB)
Jesus said to His followers,
"Go everywhere in the world, and tell the Good News to everyone.”
Mark 16:15 (NCV)
Jesus want to reach out the people who was been rejected.
Jesus want to reach out the people who was been rejected.
“I have given you an example to follow. Do as I
have done to you.” John 13:15 (NLT)
Spiritual emptiness Promote
Self-centered leaders Equip
servant leaders
Extreme poverty Assist
the poor
Pandemic diseases Care
for the sick
Illiteracy & education Educate
the next generation
WHERE: “You will be My
witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends
of the earth.” Acts 1:8 (NIV)
Jerusalem = Personal PEACE - those closest
to me
Judea & Samaria = Local PEACE - those
near but unlike me
Ends of the earth = Global PEACE -
everybody else!
“...God does not want anyone
to be lost, but He wants all people to change their hearts and
lives!” 2 Peter 3:9 (NCV)
BE A WITNESS- tell your story
“‘Go back home and tell
people how much God has done for you.’ So the man went all over town
telling how much Jesus had done for him.” Luke 8:39 (NCV)
GOD’S PROMISE: Jesus: "Let
Me assure you that no one has ever given up anything... for love of Me and to
tell others the Good News, who won't be given back, a hundred times over...”
Mark 10:29 (LB)
I was made for a mission.
MATTHEW 28:19 - 20 (NIV)
I was made for a mission.
“Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”MATTHEW 28:19 - 20 (NIV)
What fears have kept me from fulfilling the mission God made me to accomplish? What keeps me from telling others the Good News?Friday, December 18, 2015
Working Holiday Day 80 (15122015)
My last few hours in Melbourne. My uncle wake me up in the morning and I quickly packed my stuff and went to airport.
I'm the first one check in the flight. Unfortunately my luggage is overweight about 4 kg, that's cost 80aud for that! Aunty take a bag to remove all those non important staff chosen by me and might bring it back to me on next trip to malaysia.
Praise Lord, after remove all those stuff which I have planned it become 25kg sharp! Thank God!!!
I texted Byson as well!!! We have a short chat with text in the airport, and that's good which we can still keep contact as I really treasure the relationship with him.
A Korean guy sat beside me and keep having conversation with me. That's totally clear my bored! He is cute.
He teach me about my name in Korean! That's cool!!!
저 我 cho
는 的 nen
강 배원 (my name)
입니다 im ni da
Working holiday Day 79 (14122015)
Yesterday in the morning accompany my Aunty to drive to the car mechanic place to fetch my uncle. My uncle and Aunty was like fighting as I know my uncle doesn't have much patient. God, please lead this family and marriage.
After that we go for brunch in a hai nam chicken rice shop. Finally I able to treat them eat once!!!
In the afternoon, after rest for a while, I start packing as my uncle offer me a luggage back which is bigger and able to carry more things. After the packing only I realize my luggage was overweight!
God, I need miracle!
I can't add in the baggage again... Too bad. I know things might able to solve out, I just go for trip with my uncle and Aunty!
After Josh off duty, he have dinner with us.
After that we sent Josh home and get to meet charisa at her place.
She buy us sesame and green tea ice-cream. That's really yum!
She share with us how stressful is she during her training in the hospital. Sound crazy, but I know she will growth and went through.
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Working Holiday Day 78 (13122015)
Today is Sunday. Finally I get to visitmy uncle's church. This is what I wish to do here in Melbourne. God, please speak to me this morning. I just wanna walk in your presence.
Have a great time talking with my Aunty as well. Don't know why, it goes round with the title of "marriage" as well. Lord, help me and give me wisdom to know how to help my uncle and aunty in their marriage. I just wish to pray for them.
My breakfast in MCD!!!
The church is not big. 99% of them were youth. That's great. Mostly were boys more than girls, it looks abnormal.
The speaker was good, is one of the youth in the church.
My Aunty prepared few snack plates after service. I love the salmon cream cheese biscuit. That's really yum!!!
This little girl love salmon so much!!! She took the whole packet. Oh dear, that's really funny.
Again yam cha~ing with my family in Melbourne. That's really great to spend time with family. Pretty awesome. I enjoyed it so much.
Too tired, we take nap at home and saw Byson text me about something weird happened in Christchurch. Hail in Christchurch.
Just like BFF sharing our life in different country. Thank God!
At night I'm going out having dinner with Aunty and uncle.
They talk to me about "grace" if God and actually today Aunty shared alots of her inner point with me. That's teally touching and I know why I'm here with them.
God, I know you wanna use me. I'm here, not really wise, but God please give me wisdom to do so...
Spicy miso deluxe ramen. Damn nice.
I shared with Byson too.
Got a weird thing happened. A girl I met once at church she exchange fb with me and she start texting me to ask this
God please give me wisdom.
I asked Byson too. Funny was he reply me this
I slowly lead her and I know I guess the right one. Lolz...
Definitely I know God wanna use me as a good model for relationship. God please give me wisdom and prepared me.
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Working holiday Day 77 (12122015)
Today is first day I'm in Melbourne after completing my working holiday in New Zealand. When reach Melbourne, that's really look like a dream. The first day I step in Melbourne with my traveler mate, until now I'm traveling back alone. That's really like a dream.
I waked quite early as usual in New Zealand.
Tidy up my photo from New Zealand. Posted all the photo I have from my phone to fb.
Really miss the time spend with friends and family in New Zealand.
Especially the last few days, that's really unforgettable. Everyday was like traveling with Byson. He really try to fulfill all my dreams in New Zealand. Big thanks to him, my beloved brother, also my best friend and great accompanist.
My uncle bring me to have great breakfast today!
I love the mocha so much. That's their signature.
The cafe name is "Mocha Jo's".
Salmon. I love the poarch eggs so much!!!
My lunch in a Vietnam restaurant. That's quite nice. Remind me during the time I'm having it with Byson few days before.
Vietnam spring rolls.
After meal I'm dead.... Full and sleepy...
I sleep for few hours...
Night, I watch movie at home with uncle and aunty plus dinner.
Still keep in touch with Philip and Byson. That's great.
I have great time with Aunty as well. Thanks God for a wonderful day 😊
Working Holiday Day 76 (11122015)
Today is my last day for this working holiday sections in New Zealand. I really can't sleep for too long even last night I did sleep very late.
I asked Byson to text me when he awake. Around 10am, he awake and text me. I asked him what time he might be free? He say he wanna take a shower first and today is free for me. That's touching!!!
I request him to bring me to withdraw money and for money exchange. He really like my driver and body guard. After that he know I might wish to go Joe's Garage. We grab a free coffee and good breakfast. He found his "all day breakfast" as he told me before there. The breakfast was Yum. After that we back home and tidy up some stuff.
That's too boring which Byson and me just sat in the living room and do nothing. He keep asking me whether is there any place or thing I need to do. He willing to go with me.
Suddenly I'm thinking of to go airforce museum as he love museum and I didn't went there before too.
After that we went to fetch lee yan as she is waiting for us in airport. Byson know my thought and he go fetch lee yan first as he know I will be hopping to get her first.
After that we went home and go nursing home to visit grandma and my aunty again. Too bad I can't meet Lisa.
Settle all those thing, I went to check in and Byson park in the car park and he pay for that. He help me to take luggage and bags. He told me that people saw it might thought he is my BF. Lolz... He really take care of me so much. He really like my family.
After accompany me checked in, we go have a quick dinner. That's the Malaysian food restaurant. He asked me to choose the dish for him again.
That's so lovely. After dinner, again he sent me back to the airport and accompany me to get in again.
I give all of them a hug include Byson. From the hug, I know he is really shy. Lolz.
He keep asking me to text him and Rosita when I reach Melbourne. That's really warm.
I really will miss all of them. They are important to me!
Before get in the flight, I text all of them. That's really warm like my friend from Malaysia which they really care about me and we like knowing each other for a long time.
Is really like a dream from the time I stepped in the flight to New Zealand until I stepped in the flight to Melbourne. Total 74days I spend in New Zealand. Great memories and friendships which money can't buy it.
Working holiday Day 75 (10122015)
Early morning, he came my house and get all those pot and borrow some of the kitchen stuffs. He met Candy. He asked her to join us yam cha too. After the breakfast, she went back and I go Byson house again to help him up for the dinner tonight.
Finally it's done. Mun Yee, Rachel, Kimb, Rosita, Helen, Candy, Lee Yan and Chi Yong were here for me. I'm really touched!
Actually I doesn't help much. Mostly was done by him.
I'm damn tired actually. He knew it and offer his bed for me to rest. I'm really touched but I fall asleep in the living room and he purposely open his door for some fresh air to come in for me. That's really lovely!
Mostly he did everything and he know I'm bored, he on off will introduce some funny video for me to watch.
All of them keep saying thanks to me as because of me, they can get to try the food cooked by Byson.
Actually I know Byson was tired and I keep say thank to him and I intention to treat them for this meal. Byson told me that he is willing to do so, no need to feel bad. After that, he plan and for singing K as well even though most of them might need to work and on next day and travel for an hour. That's touching!!!
Rachel them bring their own wine purposely for me too. Gosh!!! Why they treat me so so so good!!!
They purposely sing 朋友for me and Hong Kong friend sing another friendship song for me. I keep tearing... Too bad!!! All of them hugs me like what!!!
After the karaoke section, they went back to have the red bean soup again as just now Candy forget to put the sugar.
Their weird reaction really make me laugh as the red bean soup was tasteless without sugar.
Lee Yan came with a gift for me as well as she brought a chocolate for me. That's lovely!!!
After all left, we tidy up the thing and Byson asking Candy whether wanna try on the good wine and he told he brought this because of me. So touching, and we have a drink and watch a movie named "now you see me".
He still sat beside me through out the movie and after the movie he suddenly thinking to bring me go watching the stars at cashmere. So touching again.
As Candy was taller, I plan to let her sat Infront hope she won't knocked her head. I told him, I giving him chance to let him with Candy. But Byson told me to sit Infront beside him and he kidding and said, Candy might be his gf but you are wife, which more important? Should be wife right? Come sat Infront" Lolz... So sweet of him. I know that's just a joke, but I know he cares my feeling so much.
Thank God, it really a nice sky and all stars appeared in the right time. That's a cold windy night when we reach on top of the mountain. He is wearing a short, but he also accompany standing out there and watching a great night view together. Talk to me and accompany me. Gosh.... Once again I tears... Really miss all of them, really miss this place. That's my last night in New Zealand.
I really miss all of the things so so much!
He even told Candy should thank me which because of me she can go up cashmere to see the night view. He really wish to fulfill all my dreams for me. So touching. I really treat him like my good family. His caring really mean alots to me.
Working holiday Day 74 (09122015)
Because to prepare the food and ingredients, me and Byson go to Westfield mall to shop for something. He bring me to eat the Vietnam's soup noodles which he ate before and found that's really nice.
After that I went to his house again... Watch movie, mv... 香港潮語… and make my paper crane. The needle was too small, I'm not able to fix in. He tried it for me too...
I bring my pancake and plan to make it that's for high tea.
Suddenly he thinking to made me a France toast! That's with peanut butter!!!
Really Yum!!!
I told him I would like to make the pan cake for him... It fails few times... After that, become he make it for me totally!!! Hahaha... Really OMG. I'm really like princess been take care by him so much!!!
Is time to be home and wait my cousin to have family dinner. I walked back and taken bath. After dinner I promised him will accompany him to go car wash, hope that's right in time.
My cousin fetched me and we have our dinner at "stellar"
After dinner we go coffee culture to have our desserts.
We ordered cake and coffee. That's in the right time, actually I'm damn tired and sleepy.
After that I went to his house and we go car wash.
He treat me drink his wine which is the most expensive one and he know I love that so much. "Wine selection".
We watched movie 五個小孩的校長. I'm crying ... Gosh. On off he was like a child lying on my shoulder and coquetry to me. Gosh...
He told me that, our action people might thought we are like couples. Again until I'm sleepy, he only sent me back.
Candy is back to Christchurch as she text me. I told Byson too. He asked me to invite her together for tomorrow dinner. He really like her so much. Hahaha...
Working holiday Day 73 (08122015)
I know Byson should be very tired. He back home and rest for awhile, we date to have dim sum together.
After having dim sum, he bring me to the beach. New Brighton beach. We play on the sand for a while, after that we went to the library.
That's the first time I'm having dim sum in New Zealand. He loves having dim sum or Asian food so much!!!
That's really enjoy!!! He really like my BF or brother. He take care of me so much. We have the fish and chip somewhere near the New Brighton beach.
That's yummy!!!!
We watch movie and drinking as well!!! That's awesome. Until I'm sleepy, he sent me back.
This Friday I'm leaving... Mun Yee them wish to meet me before I'm leaving. I told Byson and he said if want then can ask Rosita them together too. He is willing to cook. That's good!!! I really miss them much!
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Working holiday Day 72 (07122015)
Next day early morning, I'm busy in tidy up the tent, washing my cloths... Finally able to have a good rest after sleepless for more than 24 hours.
Finally... I able to have more free time to listen praise and worship song and tidy up my stuff.
So warm that Byson text me in the afternoon asking me for dinner. Initially I thought he has his friend together and bring me along. After awhile he ask me to find out the place that I wish for dinner which I always told him when passing by then Asian Market. That's really surprise me. I know that's should be Joe's Garage.
I really get touch by his small kind act and I know there is not suitable for dinner as mostly people might go there just for coffee.
I try to search another restaurant like lone star. I found a promotion. That's really good which I can grab a Med meal at 10nzd only.
Today also is his last day working as his job was stopped temporary until further notice. That's really so coincidently. When he bring me to the restaurant, his action was just like dating me. He told me that He wish I can enjoy dating for the first time. Lolz... The environments was good and he really treat me like princess, cut the meat for me... Really gentlemen.
Because we discuss and plan to share out the speeding ticket, I had transfer more $$ for him and he notice it and Not really agree what I have done. He use the money to pay the bill for the dinner and he date me for yam cha coming morning as well.
After dinner, he bring all his stuff (computer and wine) to my place as he know I'm more comfortable to stay in my place. We watch a movie and he fall asleep in the living room. I worries he will be get cold, slowly I bring a jacket covered him and heater near to him.
After that I continue to watch the movie, unbelievable... I fall asleep too in the living room.
Both of us sleep at the living room till the next morning. Lolz... He asked me why don't I back to my room and sleep. Actually I don't know what to do when he slept, if I back room to sleep, that's really funny!!!
Working holiday Day 71 (06122015)
Early morning I'm awaked as I'm not really able to rest in the tent. Leg cramps once due to the coldness...
Thank God, Kerwin and me wake up quite early. She and me walk about the camp site and enjoy the lake view awaiting the sunrise.
We have a hot drink together in kitchen and met Chi Yong. Byson still sleep like pig in the tent. Lolz...
Just to make sure he have enough rest, we didn't wake him up until we saw a nice sunrise.
After that we go visit Astro cafe at Mountain John.
We take pictures non stop... That's funny!!! Spend few hours just for photo sections.
When we go back, sure passing by Ashburton. Since passing by, Byson said might go there rest for sometimes. Byson passed me the phone and I talk to Rosita yet don't know how I kidding with Rosita and she willing to made us some snack plate and dessert. That's awesome. we going to her house to have it.
On the way to Ashburton, Byson is speeding and get caught by police. That's really dangerous as he told me his secret before.
After that all of us were silent and I not dare to rest my eyes even I'm pretty exhausted after I didn't sleep for 24hours. On the way, I still unable to control my eye... Keep fishing on the spot!!!
Finally, reach Ashburton and they are prepare the snack for us. Touching...
Beside snack, having dessert too.
After all we go have dinner together as well. Before leaving, we take a picture again...
I think I will miss them so so much!!!
Actually all of them are damn tired...
Again, Byson told me, I'm really a good wife!!! I promised him, I will go car wash with him too.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Working Holiday Day 70 (05122015)
Early morning, I wake up early in the morning as last night I'm falling asleep while waiting my flat mate tidy up their stuff.
As the breakfast as planned was not open, after Byson fetch me and we get lee yan and Kerwin. Noah introduce me a Chinese breakfast shop and we heading to the tekapo.
The food is not bad! Thank God.
On the way we listen to the song as Byson had download quite a lot of song for me as requested. 22 songs were from my request. That's funny.
Next station would be the farm barn cafe also requested by me! Hahaha... I really have too many request.
We setting up our camp site. Just realized, that's not water proof, if there is an heavy rain, we will be getting wet soon.
Damn hungry after settle all those stuff.
Our actual plan was having dinner at Kohan Japanese restaurant as that's the most famous in Lake Tekapo.
Due to the fullness, we walk around for sometime before second round.
Again... Dinner time....
After we order some food, all girls were going to the supermarket to buy some snack prepared for night and early breakfast.
Again Byson give me his credit card and his PIN number too.
Gosh, he trust me totally...
After all food stuck in the stomach, we back to our tent site. All of us squeeze in a tent and chit chat, gaming and drinking... Just me and Byson were drinking the most. The rest just prefer Tea...
After for sometimes, they start to have rest and the boys were back to another tent.
There is windy, no star at the sky. That's really disappointed me much. Most of them started to rest. Me and Kerwin keep chatting. After that they all also falling asleep, I still very alert. I try to text my friend, text Wei Ee. I asked her to pray for me, I want to watch the stars. Right after we talk to each other and pray, suddenly I think to look at the sky once again. That's incredible, plenty of stars... Thank God. There is also just a little raining only. We doesn't get wet at all. Praise Lord.
I know God listened to our prayer.
Friday, December 4, 2015
Working holiday Day 69 (04122015)
Early morning I wake up saw that's a sunny day. I cancel my plan for a jog and riding the bicycle to buy something like flowers, Ivy and Noah's BBQ paste, some drink and snack for camping and ask kiwi bank if let's say I'm not using the bank, is that any charges... Etc..
When shopping in countdown, I bump into Emer-son which is a guy from life group, worship team and mission team. I have quite a good impress on him. He called me when I'm looking for any tarts and bread area. He told me that he saw lee yan last night. I told him I would like to have the group photo which we took it during the life group Christmas celebration. He told me that he will post it soon. Then shall we meet at life at six, soon.
After end the conversation with him, I realize that I might not able to join life at six as I'm worry which the plan might out of what I expected. Haiz... I do hope to get the photo direct from him which sound better. After few minutes I'm thinking of that, I saw him again, I don't want to miss the chance and I honestly told him which I might miss the service too, if I really miss the service, I do hope can get the picture direct from him. I asked for his contact, but he was taking his company phone, so I gave him my phone and ask him leave his fb contact, that's better way to keep contact.
I didn't realize I'm so brave to do it... Lolz...
Byson text me to search for the tent which I'm still hanging at the market. Before that, I saw a sun glasses which seem quite cheap to me 5.9nzd and I know Byson wish to buy a cheap one. So I brought it for him as he bring me to cashmere last night. That's not cheap for the petrol money too.
Whole morning planning and looking for the tent, make me frustrated... I start to worry... And I prayed. God, please show me a way!
I found a shop which need roughly 50nzd and just provide us a tent only. I felt that's abit expensive to me... Too bad!!! But if there's no choice, then that's the one should go for. I keep asking around like calling Andrea, texting Irene and Emer-son.
Initially Irene told me that she just have a tent for two person. After that, she prepared everything ready for me. That's really wonderful. I know God's answered my prayer by sending Irene as an angel to help me up.
My lunch...
During the time, Byson asking me wanna go have the wrap or not. Ask me check on the time. That's awesome. I can have the wrap!!!
I'm just waiting him to be off duty. After he get me, we heading to get the souvlaki at Re-Start mall. Meanwhile, that's sunny. I remembered I buy him a sun glasses. I took it out for him, he say that's terrible!!! Initially he refuse to wear it, I convince him, he wear it!!! Lolz. Initially he say that's really not nice, he don't like it, but after that, he keep wearing it even out from the car. That's funny!!!
He keep reminding I just left few days in New Zealand. That's too bad!!! One week sharp!!!
I help him to take picture!!! That's funny!!!
After that we go Asian market to buy some stuff as he wanna cook something for dinner as well. I also wish to buy a BBQ sauce for them. That's really good, finally I got it for them.
After that, back home I help him clean his car as last night I play with his mirror and it got my finger print on that. Haha...
That's too bad, after that he left.
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