Sad thing was I really try hard to have a good conversation with my bro in law. That's really make me sad and mad on myself. It just like going back to the last two years that we are having some kind of misunderstand and our relationship screw up. I really hate this kind of feeling. It really mess up my day.
God, honestly I doesn't want this back to my life once again. I hate this kind of feeling. I can't allow one of my relationship breakdown like this. No matter that's my friend, my family, even those I not really know the person, I also wish that I could not mess up any of the relationship with them.
Lord, tell me and show me what's I'm suppose to do? Do I need to leave it like this? I can't manage it, could you lead me??? I can sense something wrong behind the scene, but I don't know why.... All I can do now is pray and surrender all to you once again. Beside, that's caught my attention was my bro - Philip. I know something happened on him that I can't really help him, but yet God please help me to take care of him, and sent the angels to look after him.
Tonight and tomorrow will be another busy day. God, I need your presence and strength in me. Guide be through, I wish I won't me lost and worry. I know whatever thing may happened as your plan and I choose to obey, that's it. In Jesus Christ name I pray. Amen.
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