Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Early in the morning I'm discussing the duty roster with my sister. I did mentioned that I could not able to make it on the day that I decided to go as a volunteer for the thalassemia seminar. When I told my ward sister, she didn't even help me to solve it and telling me that my appointment was not important and she really can't make it for me. I really mad with that as I did purposely call her personally before confirm with my friend. I really hate she sudden change my plan and did not respect me!!! As I'm angry, I did telling her, I might me taking mc if she can't really fix it for me. She mentioned "just go ahead if you want." Such a bad response from her and she even told me to do the next month roster. Lolz... When thinking of that, I really mad at this... 
I get a status as below....
I really mad with her...
God.. Please fix it.....

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