Thursday, May 22, 2014

22052014 last holiday in kl... 😭

The night still long... 
We were watching the movie "medical top team". While watching, I received the message from Dr. C as previous I asked his medical advise on behalf of my sister. 
First time I feel that we are like friends. He told me that he has been so tired for preparing his lecture last night and ask about the progression on our research. 
Thanks God. Is good to have him and Dr. L as my adviser all the time. 

I know that they could probably refuse as I wish to give them a treat. By the way, I had prepare a gift for both of them. That's chocolate. Hope they like it then. 

Because of this Mocha that I drunk last night I have been awake till the next morning. 
I had complete the Korea series movie "medical top team" finally. I just left 2hours for bed. OMG 😱

My breakfast for the last day in KL for this semester. 

Kolo mee (Kuching) @one sentral kopitiam. Somewhere at sentral. 
I saw most of the people there have Pan Mee or Wan tan mee. I could try it out for the next visit. 

Weird that I mix it with ζ²Ήη‚Έι¬Ό as I miss this so much when I saw it. πŸ˜…

My cousin have her favorite curry chee cheong fun. According her comment, the curry πŸ‘ can try out. 

After checking out from the hotel that we stay - My Hotel @Sentral. We take the LRT to plaza rakyat to place our luggage and we going to the next destination-sunway pyramid.  

Ice skating... I miss that so much.😍 I have been long time never play it.  While saw them skating around, all the memories flash back... 

Hey... After three hours of traveling.... Lunch time is coming... My cousin came to join us for lunch. Yahoo πŸ˜„ 

Guess where are we??? 

πŸ‘ιΊ»ζ²ΉιΈ‘ι’ηΊΏπŸ²@ι€’ζ₯茢坊Sunway pyramid. 

This is my favorite passion fruits tea. 
I love this taste so much. I love passion fruits so much. 😍

This is the first meal that I couldn't finished it as I'm too full. 

Window shopping... Actually I wish to buy it, but the size is too big for me. Haiz... I love this color and style. So bad...😞

After hanging for sometimes, I'm quite sleepy and my legs were damn tired ++
We walk by a coffee shop "coffea coffee"
This is my first time step in the shop and I'm wondering which drink I should try out. I asked for the signature coffee for the shop and she recommended me for a cup of "Indonesia Sumatera Mandheling HG" 

As I told her I love coffee and I like some strong one. 

The staff were friendly and nice and the coffee really thumbs up πŸ‘ 

This coffee shop remind me that I should have plan for my dreams. 
I'm a coffee Lover and I should know coffee well right? 

Last day mostly will be the saddest day. Thinking of back to Penang and start on my busy life again... My assignments, my jobs, my family, my friends, my church... All of my days around with this... I could not be so freely hanging around like what I did it here. 

God, everytimes when I sat on the bus back to Penang I got the same feeling. Keep asking myself when is the next round I can get my rest... When thinking of back to assignment, I remember the MPU subject that I fails.... I hate that honestly. But what to do, seem that's happened, nothing can be done. The course I need to repeat once again... What I learned? I don't know, but God you make this assignment to me and I know you had an answer sheet prepared for me as well. 

I know you won't get lost and you will be with me whenever I go. Thanks 😘

Gambateh Joyce Kang!!! New life begin from now. Had made up my mind to dream and work the best for my beloved God. Dare to dream and go for it as you has planned for me. 

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