Thursday, August 29, 2013


Today midnight I heard sudden a popping sound, sudden shut down of electricity and whole room was no air entry. I feel stuffiness and I get up and open the door for air entry to the room. It happened at 3.30am midnight. Is too dangerous to go out from the room, but just I unable to breath with no air entry. I pray God that help me to fix it after a little while. After 5 to 10mins the electricity back and I able to sleep again. 

Early morning, We get up and we plan to try some new breakfast as the past three days we has been taking the IMU library cafe breakfast. I had bored with the bread, coffee, sausage there.
When the LRT reach the Bukit Jalil station, we get down and we try to hunt for the food that my bro in law has recommended to me. While we walk around towards the stadium, I saw plenty of the helicopter with the Malaysia's flag and subsequent with the other state flags in different helicopter. 
I just able to capture the best in this picture. XD 

We had lost somewhere else. There is no hawker stall in this area. Omg. Where we would go for our breakfast. I pray that God may lead us to somewhere we can hunt for nice and delicious food. On the way we walking, we ask a young girl passing by. She told us that we need to walk another 10mins to 15mins to reach the dim sum restaurant. After walk for sometimes, we finally reach the destination. 
Before sitting down the chair, my BFF found a cockroach at the floor and we decide to change another table. Worse part is the staff there kidding with us by telling us there is another cockroach under another table and ask us sit at another table. Omg... Terrible.. But we do not know another better place for food, so we stay and take the dim sum there.

The taxi driver told us regarding this dim sum restaurant famous in "鸡窝包" so besides ordering other dim sum, we also order a  "鸡窝包" to try on it. 

This will be the famous "鸡窝包" . Is a combination of the 糯米鸡 with 烧包. Yummy... I think my dad would be loving it. 

After taking our breakfast, the time is getting late. It was 8.50am, how we rushing also will be late in class. We take taxi back to our university as we don't know the way to get back the uni. 

Thanks God once again as we not get scolded from the lecturer as she was not taking attendance early the morning. Hurray...

Worse thing is when I'm taking nap in the class, she walk in and my BFF waked me up and I found that she was standing right in front of me. I'm totally awake without the favor coffee~ Americano. 

This would not be the one could make me awake. Was my lecturer face that make me awake all the while. Omg.... 

In the afternoon, me and my BFF walk out the university and meet our course mate and take lunch together. I'm taking my favor ~Tom yam mee hun. But this Tom yam is the worse Tom yam I had taken. Omg, totally no Tom yam taste at all.... :(

I won't try it for the next visit. I swear...

I thought my course mate was hungry as well. I order some per meal for them to share out, but finally it back to me again. I have to finish it up myself. I'm totally full.....

After the afternoon self direct learning section, we able to back on time and we back to our popular shopping mall~ time square. 
Hunting food section once again. Finally we decide to walk in a cafe, named Mz Nina bakery cafe. 

I look like a boss sitting and resting there. Good environment but with poor wifi connection. XD 

We have a nice time sitting there sharing about our future aim and working field. I really wish that I could have a chance to work aboard and gain different experience. Anyway, I pray that God will lead me all the way I planned and the first aim of my life is to worship and work everything for my God. Everything I has planned, no matter my future husband, my job, my family and my study all is in God's hand and I just wish to use all my gift to glorified his name, that's it. 

The beef redang and it comes with a free drink. Either kopi O or Tea O ice. I choose to have tea O as in the morning I had taken Americano. 

Today although there are no classes but I able to finish my two note book entry with the wisdom from God. Praise Lord. I will keep worship him and sing praise till the end of the world. 

Everyday although I could not have much own time for praying and devotional, but there are some little time around half an hour I'm sitting in the LRT and reading the word of God with my hand phone apps and do my devotion. Praise Lord, when I seek him, he has answer me, as I know he is with me all the time. Amen. 

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