Monday, April 1, 2013


Today is April fool. I thought I'm going go fool around or be fooled. Thanks God still not bad feeling been fooled. But the worse is my Photobook, I getting a bad news from them, I need paid up if I still want the hard cover for my Photobook. God, I wish I could have good new tomorrow. That's my prayer, so that anytime when I.saw this Photobook, I think of your miracle, your grace and I trust God, you will help me settle it up.
Another headache stuff I need to think about, that's which laptop I prefer. Mac book? Laptop? Ultrabook? Which brand? Acer, Dell? Or which model? God, I hardly decide for that. I hope I could get wisdom from you to chose the right one for me in future study use. Plead help me up and I need settle all those ptptn and all requirement for degree course by this week. Is packed and tiring as well. God, please strengthen me and another prayer is for my sis in Christ Alanis. Hope everything as what you plan and what u want her to learn, just taught her and all I can do just pray for her. I thought today I could meet her and share some testi for her to bring up her spritual life but unfortunately she is busy. Alright, God I know your timing is always right, I trust you will lead.

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