Thursday, January 17, 2013


Today God give me a words that's don't change whatever environment I face now. Just pray for what's God want me to learn with this environment.
God place me in this environment sure have his purpose.
My church vision is to gain the promised land. Is with PHD... Preaching, Healing, Deliverance.
Hope I could have chance to reach out the poor people in spiritually and financially as well... To preach, to heal and to set them free...
Last night pastor just say about the people of Israel they could decide to move out from Egypt, that's because God make Pharaoh change his mind, harden his heart not to let them move out... Make them suffer more in Egypt so that they could make a clear decision to move out from Egypt and go to God's promised land. Just like what I know, my life I found God make "him" as pharaohs so that I could decide to gain the promised land for God. Thank you lord... I know all things come for my goodness as I love you.

When relaxing in the couch, I'm listening the Mp3 full of pnw song... Once again I listen a song. Named
医治这地 Heal Our Land. That's the song chester change to lead it on the day. God, I wish to pray for our nation...
Regarding recently news about "listen姐" this title, I found, many people would like to judge, as well I'm take this as a joke... I'm sorry God, u hate people judging... There's lack of love in this world...
How could I do something for thay beside praying? God,please lead me.

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