Sunday, January 6, 2013


Today in working place although I get a tough assignment, but I able go through that with all helping hand that God sent me. Praise the Lord. Although is tired, I still insist to rush to angel service and join the 1st working adult gathering.
At there, I'm learning from Chester, my lovely CG leader. He is one of the great model that I need to learn from.
I share something that I get sharing from city harvest church, he is happy that I'm sharing and he is planning to visit the church one day.
He keep stress me the important of commitment too. This is the main problem we face.. without commitment, we can't make improvement.

We need to have vision about what God can do through us. I think he got a same vision with me, just I remember what he told me. Slowly... Need pray. Now this will be in my prayer list.
I want see the growth of working adult. I want to see working adult is leading the youth.
Before that I should learn to obey and humble... Serve the people. Chester want me become the chairman next gathering... Although is stressful but if that's God want me to learn, I think he will lead me, I just obey, learn to be humble to serve. God, I need your spirit with me as well as your wisdom and strength. I rely on you God please.lead. thank God...

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