Thursday, November 22, 2012

Good news n bad news at the same time

Get a good new is I can witness my best friend baptist...yeah... Praise the Lord, hope my ward sister will grant me for that. Is a good news for me to know that my friend had believe in Jesus...
But bad news is a child I had pray for quite sometime had pass away... Her mom just give me a msg regarding she just pass away a week ago. I just can reply her mom that, don't be discourage, u both sure will meet someday in heaven. Continue to trust God had a good plan for u.
Hope God really does comfort her and hope she can mentally well soon. Pray for her too...
Thanks God although many thing happen around, but I trust God will lead the way. I trust you God.


  1. Dont be sad...
    God have he own plan... ^^

  2. hope so...haiz... can't sleep...
    sudden feel stress nia...
    sudden feel someone i know like stranger...>.<
