We had few years din back to Ipoh when CNY. This year is the 1st year I back Ipoh after I graduated from nursing. With the GPS from my HTC phone we reached Fu San safetly but unfortunately the restaurant was close and we have to keep proceed to our destination ~Kampar~...
At kampar we go to the wet market to have our breakfast there. Is very crowded also due to festival season. Have to be queue for long hours just get to order our food near wet market...terrible...

y sis and dad is queue for the food... I'm also doing that, mean while I try to take some pic. to relax myself.
This is the "mouse Mee" that we had to be queue just can get it...
in chinese we called “老鼠粉” Is nice so is worth to be queue...
Our table is full of food.... have curry chee cheong fun also. But if compare to last time, It is consider bad...
The making of the mee....many bowl is there = many people is waiting for that....
The stall name with the price list... few items is changing the prices, hmm.... is going to be expansive in future I think...
This is chee cheong fun's stall name...Many people queue for that too... look delicious.
My family, cousin and aunty uncle.... without me... I've been left out... because I'm the photographer...
I'm so hungry for that in Tesco Kampar... Just free and walk around there, that's why having this kind of pic in my phone...
My mum with my 2nd grandma... wow...I have grandma... great things...Always envy others still can spend times with their grandma.

Few of us get to Tesco kampar walk around, enjoy the cold air there, food and drinks. Out of the weather is damn hot till killing me, here is the good place for us to avoid the killing weather. 
Both of us is trying to have our funny posing there...OMG... really SS2.
Finally get to find Kampar Mcd out of Tesco Kampar... wow... really looks different with Penang branch.
That's Grand Kampar Hotel. One of the nice building there.
Really hope we can get there to have a look, next time need to spare out sometimes to visit here. Kampar I'm coming again SOON...
Museum... who interest to join the visit???
Is funny...This place recall back what a funny mistake I made with my friend's Garmin service.... ~金宝战壕~ OMG...Finally is time for us to get our last dinner for today in Kampar. My aunty cooked great and delicious food for us. Thanks ya....will miss that for sure...
Nice dishes been served on the table...yummy....
I like that chicken, Is stim with mushroom... Yummy...
Favourite soup... yum yum...
That's is taufu.... just good for my dad...
This is "ngah gu" my cousin and I really not prefer this... but for my parent's it nice....
That's my 2nd grandma's house plants.... Honestly I don't know what's that... So sorry...

That's my aunty's new car ~Proton Sage~
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